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*Kathleen's POV*

Today was the day I was dreading. Monday. We were back in Chino and it was time for the funeral. Amani and I were both in black dresses. Kat was clung to me. I don't think she understands too much of what is going on. We drove to the funeral home and we went in. A lot of people actually showed up. It was an open casket. I held Amani on my hip as we walked in and held Kat's hand. My parents and grandparents were already there. I went up the casket and handed Amani to Daijon. I picked up Kat and looked at Jax. I sighed a little bit. "Bubby??" Kat asked, "Bubby wake up!" That broke my heart. Tears fell down my cheeks. "He's not waking up sweetie," I looked at her sighing.
"Why not??" she asked, her eyes got glossy, "Bubby wake up!!" she yelled. I looked at my mom in panic as she started to cry for Jax. She came over and took her and walked away. I looked at Daijon and let more tears fall. He wiped them away and handed me Amani because she was reaching for me.

The funeral lasted about 45 minutes and then it ended. Then we buried him. It was a terrible day. We went back to my parents house to get Kat all packed up to leave with us tonight. "Brayson," I looked at him, "you okay?" I sighed. He shook his head. He hasn't cried yet. He didn't cry at the funeral and I know how he is. He's my little brother. I set Kat down but she just hugged my leg. I pulled Brayson into a hug. "It's okay," I sighed. I felt him let tears fall as he hugged back tighter. "Why did he have to be so stupid!?" he cried.
"I don't know," I sighed, "But being mad at him isn't going to bring him back B. You have to forgive him and just grieve him. He's gone and he's not coming back and you're going to have to figure out how to deal with it."
"Can I come live with you," he cried, "mom and dad fight every day and now mom is starting to drink again and dad lost his job. Jax is dead and I don't want to be in the house anymore."
"You can come stay," I sighed, "You and Kat can stay with us," I sighed. I looked up at Daijon and he nodded at me. I mouthed a thank to him.

At about 9PM we packed the car up to leave. Mom was already drinking, she was pretty tipsy. Dad was just ignoring her. The tension was very high. We said our goodbyes and got in the car. Amani was asleep and Kat was about to fall asleep. "Thank you for letting them in," I looked at Daijon.
"You're welcome," he nodded, "Family comes first and I understand. Where is everyone going to sleep?"
"Kat can sleep in Amani's room and we can put Brayson in the loft," I told him.
"Oh okay," he put his hand on my thigh and smiled at me. "I love you," he told me, "We are going to get through this, together," he patted my thigh.
"I love you too," I put my hand over his and let out a sigh.

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