Real Love

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*Kathleen's POV*

"You don't get to just do that," I sighed, licking my bottom lip.
"What?" he looked at me confused.
"You have a fucking girlfriend apparently," I shrugged, "You cant just kiss me and act like everything is going to be okay. What about her??"
"I'll leave her," he shrugged.
"That easily?" I shook my head, "Would you leave me that easily for someone else??"
"No," he looked at me, furrowing his eyebrows, "I love you. I do."
"Well according to that other girl you love her so how easily do you throw that around??" I shrugged.
"Kathleen," he sighed, "Trust me."
"I don't know Daijon," I looked away. I knew if I looked at him I would give in. He knew that... He turned my chin back to look at him. "Give me a chance," he sighed, "Lets make our family work.."
"Okay," I knew I would give in.

The next morning I woke up before Daijon, as usual. I got up with Amani and he always slept in a little longer than we did. I had breakfast made for him on the counter. I was playing with Amani on the floor. He walked into the living room and smiled at us. "Good morning," he came over and gave us both a kiss on the head.
"Good morning," I giggled, "Amani say good morning daddy." She gave a little giggle and continued to play with her toys. "Close enough," Daij chuckled.
"Breakfast is on the island," I told him, pointing to it.
"Thank you," he smiled. He went over and started to eat his food, while on his phone. I wonder if he told that girl yet about us?.. I didn't want to seem too pushy but he needs to do that soon. "Did you tell that girl it's off yet?" I looked at him.
"Oh," he looked up from his phone at me, "Yeah I'll do that later."
"Okay," I shrugged it off. Later? How about now... Whatever.

"I'm taking Amani for a walk if you want to come with," I smiled at Daijon as I got her diaper bag ready.
"It's cool, I have to stay and start recording my new song," he told me.
"Oh okay," I nodded, "Sounds good. I'll get us some takeout for lunch?"
"Sure," he nodded. I went to tell him I loved him but today he doesn't seem as in love as he did last night...

*Daijon's POV*

Kathleen and Amani just left and I put my head in my hands. How the hell am I going to tell her?? I cant believe this is happening. This is not how I thought this was going to happen... I never wanted things to work out like this. I love Kathleen so much... I know how she is. She's going to want to have a public relationship. She likes to show things off. She likes to prove whats hers. But I cant break up with Jackie. She has a lot of money, followers. We have to be together. It's for publicity, for both of us... I don't know how to tell Kathleen that, she wont understand. I doubt it. She doesn't understand things like this. She understands real life things, real love, real families. She wouldn't understand fake relationships, fake people. How am I going to explain?? She will never trust me..

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