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*Daijon's POV*

I took another drink out of my plastic cup and I heard my phone ring in my pocket. "Shittt," I groaned and looked at it. It was Kathleen's mom?? What the hell. "I'll be right back," I walked out of the room and shut the door behind me. I answered the phone. "What's up?" I asked. I could hear she was in he car. "Get your ass to the hospital right now," she sounded panicked and mad at the same time.
"What happened?!" I asked.
"Your girlfriend and your daughter got into a car accident and Kathleen is unconscious right now."
"Really!?" I gulped, "What about Amani??"
"A few cuts and bruises but shes awake. Crying for her daddy," she told me.
"I'm going there now!" I told her. I hung the phone up and went back in. I told them what happened and downed a water bottle. I took a few pain pills and walked out of the house. I ran my way down to the hospital. Taking an Uber would've taken too long. I ran inside of the hospital about 15 minutes later. I went up to the desk. "I'm Daijon Davis," I told the lady at the front desk, "I'm here for Kathleen Jackson and Amani Davis."
"You're the father of Amani Davis??" she asked.
"Yes," I nodded.
"Room 482 is Kathleen's room. The baby is in the childcare area on the 3rd floor. Room 136," she told me, "Kathleen is on floor 5."
"Thank you," I jogged to the elevator. I pressed the 3rd floor button and tapped my foot against the floor. The door opened and I jogged out. I found the room and heard Amani crying. She was mommy and daddy through her crying. I opened the door right away and a nurse had her trying to calm her down. "Come here princess," I sighed, taking her from the nurse, "Daddy is here..." I rocked her gently as she started to calm down. I sighed a little and held her close. "You're the father?" the nurse asked.
"yeah," I nodded.
"Amani has a few bruises on her chest from the car seat impact," she started, "A cut on the back of her head that we got fixed up. Other than that no internal injuries. Everything is fine."
"Thank you so much, "I told her, "Can I take her to her mothers room?"
"Yes just sign her out," she handed me a clip board. I signed my name on the line and took Amani to the elevator. I went to the 5th floor and found Kathleen's room. I went in and sat down on the chair next to her bed. "Oh baby," I whispered. Amani grabbed for her and I laid her down next to Kathleen where she cuddled into her, "Wake up baby... We need you. I'm so sorry about tonight. I'm so sorry about everything baby... Please, please wake up. For me, for Amani... We need you..." I whispered to her as tears filled my eyes.

Kathleen's mom got here not long after. Amani was asleep next to Kathleen. All I've been doing is thinking. It's all my fault. I let her leave upset. I let her go by herself. I was the one who made her leave. I was an asshole... "She still not awake?" her mo asked.
"No," I sighed, "The doctor said the accident was head on. She got hit from someone who was drink driving on the wrong side of the road head on. She got the most impact while Amani didn't get too bad of one."
"Oh okay," her mom sat on the other side of the bed and held Kathleen's hand. Then the room was silent. The only sound was the heart monitor beeping...

*Kathleen's POV*

I looked at Amani. She was beautiful. She had to be about 7 now... She was so beautiful. She looked like Daijon. She was outside playing on her swing set. A dog was there too, playing with her. Her giggles filled the windy air around us. The wind didn't seem to bother her. I walked into the house to find Daijon on the couch. Pills in his hand. His face was pail. His hands were shaking. His stomach was thin. His eyes were blood shot. He was whispering "I'm sorry" a bunch. He brought his hands up to his mouth and the pills went in. I screamed for him to stop but it didn't seem to phase him. He swallowed them and laid on the couch. Amani came running in calling for him. She ran up to him and tried to shake him awake. Fear erupted on her face as he wouldn't wake. She started to scream and cry. Then room went white. No this cant be it. I wont let this happen.

I sat up straight and took a deep breath as I opened my eyes I saw a bright white room, someone holding my hand. A small head on my lap and the sound of beeping filled the room. The hospital...

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