Lost Hope

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Evelyn's POV

I'm on my way to the Cullens house to see Bella. Charlie knows now I was never leaving as a letter from the hospital came. Telling me when I'd start work next week, which he read. He was glad I was staying though. Anyway I'm riding my scooter to the Cullens house when a huge grey wolf blocks my way.

I sigh in annoyance turning off the scooter and  get off of it. While taking off my helmet. "Why are you blocking my way wolf?" I ask him.

"He's doing it on my orders" Sam states as he appears. "Evy, I want you to stay away from the Cullens" he tells me.

"Not going to happen and I won't let you hurt my niece or her unborn child" I tell him firmly. "I'm not a shifter or vampire, so you can't order me around and won't kill me. So I advice you to leave the Cullens and my niece long with her unborn child alone. Because you'll have to kill me first before I let you anywhere near them" I state.

"You're like a sister to me Evelyn, please reconsider" Sam tells me.

"No, Bella is my niece and I will protect my family" I tell him as I get back onto the scooter. I put my helmet back on and turn on the scooter. "I pray you make the right decision" I state as I zoom past him and the wolf.

I arrive at the Cullens house and turn off the scooter. I take my helmet off as I head inside. "Sam's lost the element of surprise, and he doesn't want to take you on outnumbered, so he's not gonna come at you head on. He's got the place surrounded and he'll wait for his opportunity" Jacob explains.

"I saw them, they've already made a blockade. But Sam won't get near my niece or her unborn child" I snap.

"We won't get through without a fight" Emmet states.

"No fights. We won't be the ones to break the treaty" Carlisle says.

"The treaty is void, at least in Sam's mind" Jacob tells him.

"Not in ours" Esme tells Jacob.

"All Sam is worried about is protecting the pack. His wolf is en-charge, which is why he believes the treaty is void at the moment. Only a pack law will stop him from hurting Bella or the baby" I state.

 "None exist about a half breed vampire" Jacob states.

"Carlisle, no one's hunted for weeks" Emmet states.

"We'll make do" Esme assures him.

"You've done us a great service, Jacob. Thank you" Carlisle tells him. Jacob nods his head and leaves the room. "Evelyn, I know Bella is your niece. But I'm sure she won't want you to get hurt" he tells me.

"I'm not leaving" I tell him. "I know it's difficult for you all to be around me. But the pack would never hurt me as I'm human, so I won't leave Bella's side. Until she and her unborn child are safe" I state. Then leave to go greet Bella.

"Aunt Evy" she says smiling as I sit down beside her. "Rose is going to prepare me another bath" she states.

"That's good, it'll help you relax" I tell her.

"Esme told me about the pack, Aunt Evy maybe you shouldn't be here" she tells me.

"Not you too Bella" I moan in annoyance. "You're my niece and are carrying my future great niece or nephew. I'm not leaving your side until the pack realizes he or she is no danger to the town. We're family and that means..." I say.

"No one gets left behind or forgotten" Bella finishes.

"Exactly, now lets go get you into the bath Rosalie has prepared" I tell her. I help her up and walk her to the bathroom. She's already in a bathrobe. When she takes it off I notice more bruises then before and sigh. "I'll tell Carlisle,  he'll do an x-ray after your bath" I tell her. Then leave Rose to help her bath to find Edward already speaking to Carlisle about giving Bella an x-ray.

(After bath and x-ray)

"Your rib is cracked. But there are no splinters. You haven't punctured anything" Carlisle explains.

"Yet" Edward grumbles.

"Edward" I say firmly.

"It's breaking her bones now. It's crushing you from the inside out. Carlisle, tell her what you told me. Tell them" Edward tells him.

"Tell us Carlisle" I tell him gently.

"It's alright" Bella assures him.

"The fetus isn't compatible with your body. It's too strong. It won't allow you to get the nutrition you need. It's starving you by the hour. I can't stop it, and I can't slow it down. At this rate, your heart will give out before you can deliver" Carlisle explains.

"Then I'll hold on as long as I can, and then..." Bella starts to say.

"Bella. There are some conditions that even venom can't overcome. You understand? I'm sorry" Carlisle states and leaves the room as I run after him.

"Please Carlisle, there must be some hope" I beg.

"If we can find some way to increase her heart rate and give her the nutrients she needs. Then there would be hope for both of them. But I've tried everything I can think of and none of it is working. I'm sorry Evelyn, but there maybe no hope for Bella. But I will try to ensure the baby survives" he tells me.

"Thank you" I tell him disheartened. I'll love my great niece or nephew. But I'll be losing my only niece. Esme mad me some herbal tea saying I could stay the night. I smile at her in thanks and send Charlie a message saying I was staying the night. He said it was ok and to take care. I sip my tea and start to feel calmer.


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