Off to China

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I woke up and looked at my phone to see the time and it was already 11:30. I usually wake up early, but when I stay up all night like last night, I tend to sleep in. It would be worse if I slept with Melo, so good thing I stayed here and he went home.

I go to the bathroom to do my daily routine, take a shower and get dressed. By the time I was done it was a little past twelve. "Good morning everyone!" I yell, receiving groans in return.

"Dom it's too early for you to be this loud." Will rubbed his eyes. "It's almost 12:30 so I wouldn't say it's early." I replied.

Coach Mark
Hey check your mail, there's something special for you.

I read the text and went to check the mail. It was a mostly bills and random crap. There were envelopes from UCLA and Kentucky for me. They were filled with a bunch of information about the campuses, but I only really payed attention to the letters.

"OH MY GOD!" I screamed as I read the letter. "Don't you ever shut up." Will groaned again. "UCLA  and Kentucky just offered me a full scholarship!" They all came rushing towards me.

"Keep up the hard work, and we hope that you would take up our offer on playing as a Bruin." Dominic read for himself and Quan reads the one from Kentucky, "You would be a asset to the team and we to love for you to join the family."

"Dom that's so amazing!" Mo hugs me. "I'm proud of you little sis." Dominic gives me a hug, and so do the others. "I'm gonna go tell Melo."

I was so excited that I basically sprinted out the door. When I got outside I seen Tina and Lavar. "Damn girl why you running." Lavar laughs.

"I just got full ride scholarships from UCLA and Kentucky!"

"That's so great," they give me hugs, "Go tell Melo, I know he'll be happy for you." Tina says letting me go, "and tell him that we'll be at the estate all day."

I nod and go inside, "Melo!" I call out. I waited a bit but I didn't get an answer. "I have food for you!" I yell and sure enough he came running down the stairs in nothing but his boxers.

"Where's the food?" He looks around. "I lied, I just needed you to come down here."

"You're always playing." He groans, "baby I'm starving."

"Stop being dramatic, we can go get something, after I tell you my news." I smile widely,pulling out my letters,"UCLA AND KENTUCKY GAVE ME A FULL RIDE!"

"That's amazing!" He picks me up, spinning around.
"Melo quit I'm getting dizzy." I laugh and he sits me on the counter, standing between my legs.

"I'm so proud of you baby." He kisses me, rubbing on my thigh. I pull away and take off my shirt,"How proud?"

"Let me show you." He pulls me back into a kiss. He begins to undo my bra, not breaking out now heated makeout session.

"LaMelo... the room." I moan out. "No I want to please you right here." He moves to my neck,"But y'all eat here."

He starts to rub me through my tights, "Ain't nothing bleach can't fix." I tried to stop him, but I got caught up in the pleasure of it all.

"Oh La-"

"Melo getcho' ass- OH MY LORD!" Zo and Gelo walk in, making me scramble for my shirt. "What are y'all doing?!" Melo yells at them as they cover their eyes.

"You guys can uncover your eyes now." I say, smoothing our my shirt. "What are y'all doing?" Gelo questions. "I had told Melo my good news, and we got carried away."

Zo crosses his arms, "What news was worth all that?" I showed them the letters, "I got basketball scholarships to not one, but two of my dream schools."

"Congrats Dom!" They squished me with a big hug. "This is great and all, but y'all gotta be careful. We're not trynna have any little Melo's or Dom's running around." Gelo tells us.

He's such a dad

"Well too bad because she's having my babies." Melo grabs me, "The sooner the better." He gives me a quick kiss."Melo shut up we ain't having a baby."

"So you think, I don't remember the last time I pulled out."

"Melo don't play, I already told you I'm not taking birth control anymore."

"Well you better go get a test." He laughs, but I was getting mad. "Y'all can't have a kid right now." Zo says."You're just mad that our kid is gonna be cuter than yours." Denise recently found out she was pregnant, but only the family knows.

"Melo stop, this is serious."This wasn't anything to be joking about, but yet he thinks it's funny.

"Do you know what school you want to go to?" Gelo changes subjects. "She's going to UCLA." Melos says.

"Who said that?" I scrunch my face. "Well why wouldn't you want go there? It would be you, me, and our little nugget." He laughs.

"First of all, if I'm pregnant, I wouldn't be able to go to either schools. Second, I'm not making my decision based upon yours. Third, I would never call my child a nugget."

He stared at me in disbelief, "What's wrong with the nickname nugget?" Out of all the things I just said, he has something to say about that.

"What the hell is wrong with you?"

"Baby I'm just kidding," He laughs, "we can call the baby whatever you want."

"Melo what do you not understand? I have the choice to pick wherever I want to get an education at, and UCLA may not be the one.

"So you're telling me that you don't want to go to UCLA with me?"

"I'm not saying that, but what I am saying is that I'm not gonna follow you like a puppy. I have my own life LaMelo and I need to do what's best for me and my future."

"What about me? Am I not apart of your future?" I roll my eyes,"You sound so selfish right now."

"How?!" He yells.

"Are you serious right now?! First you were making jokes about having a baby, and then you want me to go to UCLA just because you're gonna be there."

"Ok and? I don't see the problem. Why wouldn't you want to have my baby and go to school together?" Zo and Gelo shake their heads.

"There's so many reasons and once you figure them out, give me a call." I walk out the house. I can't honestly cant believe give him right now.

How do you feel about Melo?
Was he joking or being serious?

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