Sleepover pt.1

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There's a few references in here and if you catch them, I'll love you forever😂


Two hours later, Melo finally let me leave his house, only if I promised to go back tonight.
Before I walked in my house, I made sure Melo's sweater covered my neck.

Once I walk in I see Mo and Dominic watching tv on the couch. "Hey." Is all that I say before running up the stairs.

Mo the hoe👯‍♀️
I told your parents that you woke up early to take a run with Melo


Thank God that Mo covered for me. My parents are laid back, and I know the probably would have let me spent the night anyways, but they would beat my ass if they found out I never came home.

Actually, if they half the stuff I was doing, I'd be dead. I can't lie, I was really hoeing by messing with Shareef and Daijon. I know my parents would not approve of what I was doing.

"Dominique get down here!" I heard my dad yell from downstairs. I hurry and cover my neck with the sweater since I didn't have time to cover it with makeup.

"What's going on?" I walk down the stairs and take a seat on the couch. "We have to go back to Oakland for the week, so we're trusting you guys alone."

"Y'all better behave. That means no parties,no baby making, and I swear if I come home to a tore up house y'all gon' get it."

"Wait so iris and the guys can't come over?" Dominic asks. "Iris can come whenever, but if the boys come I don't want any-."

"Baby making." The three of us finish his sentence. "I mean it, especially for you Dom since you love being with that boy."

I'm guessing my dad is still mad at LaMelo for what he did. "Honey leave her alone." My mom tells him, "Make sure you guys are getting to school on time and don't just eat junk food." With that my parents leave us.

I fix my sweater because it was basically choking me. "I see you had a long night with Melo." Mo says looking at my neck.

"It was nothing."

"Why the fuck did you go back to him?" Dominic said annoyed. "Because I love him."

"But he fucking cheated on you."

"Okay and? I cheated too!" I was so tired of people bringing that up. "Exactly! That's not a healthy relationship." Mo speaks up.

"Don't talk to me about a healthy relationship because do you not remember when you were messing around with a grown ass man who had a whole ass wife and kid at home?"

"Okay that was a one time thing, and Melo cheated on you how many times?"

"Only once and if we can get past that, then y'all should to."

"Dom I don't like that fact that he keeps hurting you."

"Can you stop acting like Melo is the only one at fault. I'm just as wrong as he is."

"Dom you'd be better off with Daijon.He really cares for you, and I think he would treat you better." Mo says. "But I don't want to be with daijon."

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