Who is She?

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We were at the airport waiting for our flight. The show paid for our trip so our girlfriends and grandparents got to come. Even Dmo came only because he's basically Zo's side piece.

"How long is the flight." I ask aloud.Not to anyone particular,just looking for an answer. "Five hours and like ten minutes." My dad says passing out our tickets.

"Ugh, I have to spend five hours next to you." Dominique groans throwing her head back. "Shut up you love me." I wrap my arm around her.

She removes my arm from touching her,"Love? Never experienced that before." She gives a petty smirk. "Alright fuck you too." We laugh because she was only joking.

She better be

I snap a picture of the airport and caption it "Hmu long flight🤘🏼" I send it to my streaks since those are the people I talk to the most.

"C'mon y'all our plane is ready."My dad said leading us. We did all of the stuff we needed to do like putting our carry on bags up and finding our seat. We all sat relatively close to each other, couples with couples and whoever else was here.

Of course I sat by Dom, it was either her or kaliah and who wants to sit by kaliah? "I'm so tired." Dom yawned,covering her mouth.

I laugh at her,"Maybe if you didn't stay up all night you wouldn't be." She said if she didn't sleep at all,she would sleep through the plane ride making it go by faster.

"Shut up my plan is a good one."

"It really wasn't but I'm going to sleep." I start plugging my earphones into my phone. Since she was staying up, she kept me up on FaceTime and sending me random videos.

"Same." She leaned her head against my shoulder and put her feet up on the seat next to her. It was an extra seat,so she put it to use. I rested my head on Dom's,started my playlist and went to sleep.

"Melo wake yo bitchass up." Dom lightly shakes my body. "Are we here?"I look around the plane but everyone boarded was still seated." No."

"Then why'd you wake me up?" I rubbed my eyes trying my best to wake up. "I'm bored."  She gave a sheepish grin.

"Get on your phone or something. I'm going back to sleep." I move around in my seat getting comfortable.

"But its dead."

I unplug my earphones and hand her my phone. "Have fun and don't wake me up until we're there." I close my eyes.

"Thanks hoe." She sounds satisfied so I'm pretty sure I'll get to continue my nap. Dom has had the password to my phone since about a month after we met. Around the time when she started being nice to me.

Her sneaky ass seen that I left my phone unlocked and unattended, so she added her fingerprint. I never cared to take it off.

With my eyes closed, I tried to focus on going back to sleep. I was just about to fall asleep but someone hits my arm hella hard.

"What the fuck."I open to my eyes,only to see a heated Dom. "Bro what is your problem." I'm trynna rest up and I don't have time for her shit.

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