Sleep over pt. 2

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A bitch finally updated so enjoy!


Everyone was just chilling, having a good time together. There's a knock on the door and daijon goes to answer it.

I leave to go to the bathroom because I don't really care who it is. "Hey everyone, y'all know Ashley right." I hear him say.

Oh fuck

Aye come to the bathroom

I sent her a text and waited. This is night is not gonna end well. Dom and I are on good terms, and I don't need Ashley running her mouth.

A few minutes later she comes up the stairs,"Are you surprised to see me."

"What are you doing here?" I ask. She comes closer to me, "I came to see you."

"Well you can leave because I don't want you here."

"You didn't tell your girlfriend about our little meeting huh?" She laughs.

"No because nothing happened."

"Melo just leave her," she starts touching on me, "You know I'm the one you want to be with."

I push her off of me, "No I don't want you and don't tell Dom anything."

"No promises." She smirks walking back down the stairs. I go to Dom's room and start pacing around. I was freaking out because I knew everything could blow up in my face tonight.

"Where have you been?" Dom comes in, "You've been gone for awhile."

"Look Dom I gotta tell you something."

"Wait let me say something first." She hugs me, "I want you to know that I'm so happy you're in my life. I can't imagine how my life would be without you." She gives me a kiss.

"So what did you want to tell me?" She looks up and my eyes meet her light brown ones. I couldn't tell her.

I give her a kiss, "No matter what happens, I will always love you." She smiles and hugs me.

"Let's go they're probably thinking we're up here having sex." She starts walking downstairs.

I follow her, "It doesn't sound like a bad idea." She shakes her head, "Shut up Melo."


So far the night has been good, we played some basketball, had some food, and watched movies. Right now we were watching the boys were play 2k.

"Babe are you ready to go?" Melo asked me."Let's just stay." I was having fun so I didn't want to leave.

"I wanna be alone with you though." He rubs my thigh, "I'm going to be gone the rest of this week."

Him and his family were going to China to watch Gelo play. Knowing Melo he wanted to have more sex before he had to leave.

"Alright guys, we're gonna leave." I tell everyone. "No we were just about to start never have I ever." Mo says.

"Yeah and you know the tea always gets spilled." Will looks around the room, taking a sip of his drink.

"Fine we'll stay for a little longer." Will was right, and who do I look like to miss out on some good tea?

We all get something to drink and form a circle on the floor. "Y'all know the rules, if whatever is said applies to you, take a drink. And if you're the only who drinks, then it's your turn."

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