💙Chapter 5.💙

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Chiron faced Will, "Is Percy ok?", Chiron was thinking the worst, for any demigod to randomly stop breathing was unheard of.

Will shuffled his feet nervously, "Well-".


Jason and Nico stepped behind the curtain where Percy was resting.

Percy was sleeping, as he had needed to be sedated.

"Any idea what's wrong with him?" Jason asked Nico quietly as to not wake Percy.

"Why would I know what's with with him?" Nico said confused.

"You spend most of your time here, I figured maybe you might know."

Nico blushed embarrassed, he spent almost all of his time with Will if he wasn't running errands for his dad. But he know nothing except Death was near, and he was coming for Jason and Percy.


"Well I think he had some form of a panic attack..." Will told Chiron nervously.

Will had no idea what was wrong with Percy, the children of Apollo don't have any medical training and very little knowledge of actual illnesses.

It's more like a super power that when they see someone who is ill they can sense it and know how to fix it given the proper materials and instruments, it's kinda like they do it of their own will without knowing.

Lately this "super power" hasn't been working that great and the Apollo kids have been alot more squeamish than  usual.

Chiron could see the lack of confidence in Will's diagnosis. Chiron knew why Apollo's children haven't had the slightest clue lately but he couldn't do anything about it.

Chiron knew about Annabeth and Piper with those twins but it wasn't his business to ask them about their personal relationships. He thought that they had all broken up while they were with their parents but the excitement in the boys faces to see their girlfriends when they got back said otherwise. He didn't want to get in the drama of teenagers and hoped they would sort it out maturely.


Apollo had just been offered a group of followers by the Big Three.

Their idea was if he had a group of young men to look after he would be happier.

Zues told him to think over all the main principles he would want the boys to know.

Apollo thought back to when he saw his baby brother and cousin sitting on that cliff, and there girlfriends with different boys.

He didn't want his brother to feel the way he did the past two years and Percy definitely did not deserve it, neither of them did.

He wanted them to know that girls weren't everything. That they can break your heart just as well as they can mend it. That girls can be the best and worst thing ever. That women could make you feel like a man and then minutes later a little boy.

He wanted them to know that they didn't need anyone to be strong. They were born strong. He wanted them to remember that, and he needed to remember himself.


Percy and Jason we're walking to the cabins when they saw Annabeth and Piper sitting near some benches talking.

They looked at each other, they knew they would have to talk to them eventually.

Piper saw them first, she looked as if she wanted to jump out of her skin.

Percy spoke first, "Annabeth, I need to talk to you..." He glanced at Jason who looked uncomfortable. "Really quickly won't take long at all" he said nodding at Jason.

Annabeth and Percy walked out of hearing distance leaving Jason and Piper alone.

Jason POV

"I know your with someone else now..."

Jason's voice drifed off, he didn't want to have this conversation he wanted to be left alone he didn't want to speak with anyone about this he just wanted to everyone to act like it never happened.

"I'm sorry, Jay..." Piper mumbled.

She didn't want to have this conversation either. As a daughter of the Goddess of Love, cheating was a terrible terrible Sin, but she didn't  Love Jason anymore and she couldn't act like she did.

"You could've broken up with me, " Jason glared, "I would've understood."

He wouldn't have but maybe it wouldn't have hurt as much.

"I'm so so sorry..." Was all Piper could say, "I didn't want to hurt y-"

"Doesn't matter..." Jason cut her off, "You hurt me, it doesn't matter. I don't care anymore..."

The loving, caring, sensitive, side of Jason had gone away and the negative similarities he shared with his father appeared. He was for lack of a better word grumpy and seemed like a storm was inside him begging to be let out.

"We're done, I don't want to ever speak to you again unless I have too." Jason stormed off to Percy's cabin tears threatening to come out.


"We're done, Annabeth." Percy spoke instantly, wanting to get away from her as day as possible.

"I know..." She whispered.

Percy didn't know what to think, he expected more. He had known her forever but it felt like they just met. He knew they should have closure but he didn't know what from. He had barely spoken to her for the past two years they had slowly drifted apart. He couldn't help but think if that would've happened if they went away or not.

"Goodbye Percy" Annabeth said, looking into his eyes for the first time he had seen her since they got back.

He looked into her stormy grey eyes and felt nothing. "Goodbye Annabeth" He muttered and walked back to his cabin.

When he got back Jason was laying in his bed tossing a ball to the wall catching it and tossing it again.

Percy caught the ball after watching him for a few moments.

"That was stressful." Jason said.

"I expected more..." Percy shrugged.


Ok FINALLY an update!

What do you guys think about the different reactions Jason and Percy had?

They still have to get their rewards for fighting in the war! What do you guys think about that?

Leo isn't here but will he be? Zat is de question 🤔

This chapter took so long😭 hopefully the next won't take so long *fingers crossed*

Check out my other PJO fanfictions!!!! And my original stories!!!!!




Or just be silent.

Peace out homies!!!!

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