~Chapter 1.~

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Percy Jackson POV

I flinched as my body transitioned from salt water to fresh water.

A wave of happiness came over me, but also dread, for some strange reason. I decided not to dwell on it, I was too happy.

I was in Atlantis for two whole years training with my father.

After the war with Gaea the council had a huge meeting they invited both camps and all the Minor Gods and Goddesses. Zues called the meeting (suprisingly) because he thought that if there should be another war that we should be prepared. He arranged for The Seven and the Head counslers and Cohorts Leaders  spend time with their godly parent. When the Counslers and Leaders get back they were to teach their siblings.

For the past two years my father and his Second Hand as my Dad called him helped me unlock all my hidden powers.

My Dad said that I didn't need to be taught, that deep down I already knew it. The sea is inside of me and just like I always knew where I was at sea or how to drive a boat, even summon a hurricane I didn't need to be taught those things,  I already knew.

I peeked above the water to see a girl and a guy laying on a blanket looking at the stars. The girl pointed out a constellation to the boy and I was instantly reminded of the time Annabeth showed me all the stars and constellations she knew...right before Hera took me.

I swam to the deck a little ways away from the couple so I wouldn't disrupt them.

I climbed onto the deck. The couple was standing now, making out. The girls back was towards me, she had long blond hair.

She's probably a Child Of Apollo or Aphrodite. I thought, since they were really the only ones with blond hair,  besides Jason.

I walked off the beach to let them have their privacy.


I dropped my stuff off at my cabin and headed to the Big House to see Chiron.

When I got there Chiron was playing poker with Mr. D. (Whats that game that their always playing? I forgot so for now their gonna play poker?)

I bowed to Mr. D he just waved his hand in dissmisal and gestured for me to sit, and gave me some cards. (I don't know how to play poker so forgive me if I mess something up.)

"Hey Chiron, Nice to see you and again." I said looking at my cards.

He chuckled but he also looked sort of sad, "Good to have you back, Percy."

After a few moments he spoke again. "Have you seen Annabeth yet?" He asked me.

"No not yet, I wanted to let you know I was here first. I was planning on going after I saw you." I said.

"Well hold off on seeing her for now, it's getting late and she has to take care of her cabin." He said truthfully, but I could tell he was hiding something.

"Ok" I said not wanting to pry "How's the rest of the Seven?" I asked.

Chiron smiled "Well, Frank got back about a month ago and went to Camp Jupiter, He came back here about a week ago when Hazel arrived, They are leaving in the morning but they wanted to see you. Annabeth actually got back five or six months ago but you probably already knew that. Piper came back about a weel after her and We received word from Lord Zeus that Jason will be arriving tomorrow morning."

I smiled sadly because it was really only six of us now, Leo has been gone for two years now and I still haven't gotten over it.

Zeus said that we can have our requests after we all finish training. Hopefully they'll actually get Calypso off her island this time. For Leo it's the least I can do.

"And everyone else?" I asked referring to all the cabin counselors.

"They are all quite good. Most arrived about two days ago, the rest throughout the week. Nico has been doing a good job of keeping the campers in order, he has also been working with Jason on making sure all the Gods get the proper respect they deserve. Apparently your sister wasn't the only god who wanted an action figure. Their are some for sale in the gift shop,  you should stop by to look at them when you get the chance."

Chiron thought it was quite funny about Kym wanting an action figure and my encounter with her you know despite the fact that I nearly died.

Our game of poker ended, and I was insanely tired and I realized I hadn't felt that way in a long time.

Chiron said its because I spent so  much  time  in the sea that constantly kept me energized and now I'm not, Now I have to adjust to living on solid ground now.

I headed to my Cabin and as soon as my head hit the pillow I was out like a light.


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Look out for references!!!
I'm putting in references to different movies,  T. V. shows, and books(not on wattpad). Comment where you see them and you'll get a chapter dedicated to you.

Also I'm looking for Fanmade Characters. If you have any PM me.

I think that's it.

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Peace out Homies.  ✌✌✌

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