Chapter 12:

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When the bell rang for lunch, I practically ran for the cafeteria and Charlotte was running behind me. When I got there all our friends were already at the table, I don't know how Rider got there before us, except Austin. I make my way to the table and when I get there everyone stops and looks up at me. I know they all know and that they're waiting for me to explain so I do. I tell them what happened since Austin and I walked into school this morning, leaving out little details that could reveal that we're fake dating.

When I'm done they all nod or whatever because they all know that I'm not lying and that I'm obviously telling the truth.

"Do any of you guys know where Austin is?" I ask.

"When he saw the picture, that's going around, this morning, he got pissed, stormed out of school and jumped in his car and left. No ones seen him since. And he hasn't replied to my messages." Rider says, takes out his phone then shakes his head, "Nope, still no reply."

I nod then pull out my own phone. I sent a message to Austin saying, Hey, I know you saw the photo but it's not what it looks like. Please let me explain. I send the message and hope that he'll reply.


I check my phone again but there's still no reply. Joy lays a hand on my shoulder making me look up and face her. She says, "Don't worry he'll reply, he just needs sometime to cool off."

I nod but I know Austin and I know he won't reply. There's 5 minutes left till the end of school and no one has seen him the whole day. He hasn't replied to anyone's messages, not even Rider's.

Joy clicks her hand in front of my face snapping me out of my day dream. She shoves my bag into my hands and says, "Come on, let's go."

I realize that the bell has rung and that she packed my things up for me. We walk out the classroom and make our way to my locker. I tell her that she doesn't have to walk me there but she insists on being a good friend. When we get in sight of my locker I see someone leaning against it. This is the second time today that a guy is leaning against my locker waiting for me. This morning it was Kevin but now it's Austin. I want to run to him but my legs say frozen on the spot. Joy pushes me and says, "Go."

I make my way to my locker. When I get there he says, "Don't say anything, get your stuff and let's go."

I would have said something but the tone of his voice told me not to push him. I take whatever I need then we start to walk to the parking lot in silence. I hear people talking about us as we walk pass but I ignore them and focus on Austin. I take the time to exam him and I notice he has scratch marks across his face, there's three and they look brand new.

We get to his car and we get in, he doesn't bother to open the door for me. He starts the car and we leave the school. He doesn't say anything so I don't either but the silence starts to eat me up and eventually I say, "He kissed me, I pushed him away."

"I know," he says which surprises me. "Rider recorded you telling them at lunch what happened and sent it to me. I listened to it and I believe you."

"So then why'd you skip the whole day of school and not reply to anyone's messages," I say and I realized that I'm irritated now. I would have understood if he didn't know the real story but he did.

"I was dealing with my mother and I had some thinking to do." He says and shrugs like it's no big deal.

"She saw the photo? Is that why she scratched you?" I ask.

Fake Dating The Bad BoyWhere stories live. Discover now