Chapter twenty

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I'm bullet proof. Nothing to loose. Fire away, fire away.

Teach me how to love
Ryder's pov

As soon as the lift doors pinged shut, slicing my eyes away from Skye, I felt my eyes fill with tears again. I couldn't think about my mum, or even my family for that matter, without bursting into tears.

In most cases, I don't like people to see me cry. But with her, I felt like my secrets were safe and I could trust her with anything, even my heart. I mean, she already has it in her grasp.

The elevator voice told me that I was in the ground floor, and I made my way out of the building. The sun shone onto my already sun kissed skin, and I could feel the glazing summer heat from the sun. I sighed, and started to make my way towards my car. I was dreading seeing my sister again. We have never gotten along, but now we have to put up with each other. All because of our mothers death, we have to play happy families, and not start an argument. Playing happy families was not easy for mine.

I fished around in my jean pocket for my keys, unlocked the door and threw myself into the drivers side. I just sat there, staring at the steering wheel curiously, wondering what to do next.

My childhood hadn't exactly been the best. My parents were always hard at work, and never had time to spend with there two children. Not until mum got ill. My sister is two years older than me, and she always reminded me of that. She made my life hell. Especially in high school.

So playing happy families wasn't easy for us. Especially me. After trying to clear my thoughts of the horribly disappointing childhood I had lead. I shoved my keys into the ignition as finally decided to run my little Porsche.

Swivelling around in my seat, I started to back out of the parking space. I was on my way to my sisters house, as she wanted to sort things out between us. After all those years, she decides that now is a great time to say that she was sorry that she had caused me so much misery. Well, sorry wasn't going to cut it.

Unfortunately, it wasn't very busy on the roads, there were only a few fellow drivers, getting on with their lives. My beat up little car chugged across the road, only stopping at junctions and traffic lights. After about ten minutes, I was pulling in front of a big brown bricked house, with a beautiful green front lawn, with kiddy toys thrown across it. I has arrived at the house that my sister owned with her husband and their son, Georgi.

I slowly turned the key and yanked it out. Trying not to work myself up, I opened my door, and placed one foot in front of the other, where stones crackled and crunched under my trainers. I felt shaky and unsafe on my strong athletic legs. They were willing me not to go, screaming at me.

I saw a curtain swish from upstairs, so I defiantly couldn't pussy out of this. It was just my sister, she wouldn't hurt me now, would she? A shiver ran down my spine, as I continued to walk across the driveway. It felt like the door was miles away. The door that I had chucked stones at with my friends, ending up it one of us getting soaked by my sisters boyfriend in anger. Finally, I made it to the awful red door.

I rose my hand, and rested my shaky fingers onto the brass knocker. The lion head knocker stared back at me, with it's bottomless, mocking eyes. As if to say 'your a coward'. I rolled my shoulders bam and took a deep breath. I lifted the knocker, and banged it twice against the door.

The door was being flung open, and I slowly averted my gaze upwards. I instantly felt like curling into a defensive, little ball. Her beautiful, glimmering, green eyes, which he had both gotten from our father, were staring right back at me. Her short cropped brunette hair lay just bellow her shoulders. She had obviously just come home from work, as she was wearing her black suit, and had an exhausted look on her face. Our eyes met and I instantly looked away.

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