Chapter seventeen

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I'll remember to forget you

Teach me how to love
Ryder's pov

For the rest of the day, me and Skye sitting around, watching TV and just enjoying each others company. She didn't seem to want to cuddle up to me, so I sat with my arms on the back of the sofa. 

My heart had leaped when I saw Skye cry. I'd never seen her cry before, and I never want to again. I looked over at her, a smile speeding across her face. I just watched her, scrunching her nose up in concentration, thinking of the answer to a question. We were watching some sort of TV show quiz. I never realised how intelligent Skye really is.

Suddenly, my phone buzzed beside me. I picked it off of the arm, and saw it was from Lacie. My eyes widened. I hadn't spoken to Lacie since out massive argument, which had ended up hanging in the air.

iMessage from Lacie: hey ryd. I know we haven't spoken in a long time, but I need u. It's about mum xxx

As soon as I read the text, I leaped up from the sofa. Skye looked up at me with a puzzled expression on her face. "I'm sorry, babe. But I've gotta go." My words fell over each other, as I speed walked over to dining chair, which my jacket was hanging over.

Skye rose from the sofa, and stood beside me. I looked down at her, as she searched my eyes. "Ryder, Hun. Is everything ok?" She asked me, placing her palm onto my cheek.

I smiled at her. "I don't know. Something's happened to my mum. I need... I need to go and see her."

Skye's eyes widened, and I walked towards the door. She was hot on my heels. I grabbed the key off the key rack, then twisted it into the lock. I rose my eyes to Skye and placed my fingers under her chin. "I'll be back. I don't know what time, but I'll call you. Ok?"

Skye smiled up at me. "It's ok, babe. Take you time." She kisses the end of my nose, and pushed me out the door. I took one last glance at her, before I made my way towards the lift.
Skye's pov

As I closed the door slowly, I turned around and slid down the wood. I sighed and felt my heart sink. I had a weird feeling in my chest. Something I hadn't felt since Tom. But better than that.

I smiled at how amazing I felt. Suddenly, I heard a phone chime, which didn't sound like mine. Reluctantly, I hauled myself up and padded into the living room. My eyes traveled to an iPhone 5s on the arm of my sofa.

I reached out for it, and pressed the home button. Sure enough, there was a new message.

iMessage from Bæ: hey you, had so much fun the last weekend. We should totally go 2 the cabin again. Luv ya xxx

My heart kept sinking as I read the message. Ryder wouldn't cheat on my would he. Who was Ellie? And what had happened at the cabin?

I clutched my heart, as I sank onto the sofa. Not again, I thought. I shook my head, trying to get the voices out of my head.

Hump and dump.

He doesn't really love you.

Guys use girls like toilet paper. They use them, then when they get bored, they chuck them away.

Why would you think that he was different to Tom?

A tear trickled down my cheek, as these words kept swirling round and round in my head. I put my head in my hands, and tried to get the voices out of my head.

Suddenly, from in my room, I heard my own familiar Shaun the sheep ringtone. I wiped the tears off my face, and stalked over to my bedroom. I picked up my phone, and found that it was a message from my boss.

Message from Daniel: a new client. Sunset bay hotel. 5:00pm

My mind started to wore. Should I go? Would I be cheating on Ryder if I did this? But it was my job, I couldn't back out of it now.

I put my phone down, and walked over to my wardrobe. I pulled out some clean clothes, and prepared myself to wha was to come.
The naked 23 year old rolled off me, as I tried to get my breath back. Straight after this, I usually felt nothing. Sometimes I would feel satisfied. others disappointed.

But this time, it felt wrong. Like I really shouldn't have been doing this. Also, I felt guilty. I heard the man beside me breathing deeply in an out through his mouth.

"I'm sorry to break it to you Hun, but your not as good as I thought you would be", he said to me, whilst beginning to put his clothes back on. "Daniel said you were the best he's got." He scoffed. I really wanted to punch him round the face.

Well, if you knew how difficult my life is, then you would understand. I sat up, running my fingers through my hair. The man rolled over and looked at my face. "But what's a pretty, young and innocent little girl like you, doing something like this?" His eyes looked very curious.

I stared at him, in shock. No one had ever wanted to know my life story, let alone why I did this job. I rose his eyebrows, still waiting for my reply.

I shook my head. "I'm sorry, I'm really not with it right now. I've got a lot  going on right now."

I fight with the boyfriend?" The man asked me, giving me a knowing look.

"Well, he desperately wants me to be his boyfriend, but I.." I could t finish that sentance, because I didn't know how.

"You don't love him the way he loves you?" He guessed. For some reason I felt comfortable talking to this man about my messed up life.

"It's just something that happened in another relationship I was in", I answered, honestly. I slipped my bra on, and began to get myself ready.

"You know, not all boys are the same. Just because one of them does something, doesn't mean the other will do the same", the man lay back on the bed, still stark naked. It didn't seem I bother him though.

I tried to take in his words. Suddenly, I felt happier and I believed him. "Do you know what? You right. I shouldn't just expect a guy to be a dick, just because my last boyfriend was one", I looked at him in the eye. He had beautiful sea green eyes. "Thank you... Umm." I waited for his name.

"Jack", he said. "And your Scar, right?"

"Skye", I smiled. We shook hands, an I continue to get myself ready. I leaped up from the bed.

"What are you in such a hurry for?" Came Jack's deep voice from the bed. From the corner of my eyes, I could see that he was stood up, still naked. I didn't turn around.

"To go see that boyfriend of mine", with that, I opened the door and skipped towards the lift door. But I still felt guilty for what I had just done. As the name Ellie was still at the back of my mind.
OMG, two chapters in one day. I feel very proud of myself. God in tired tho.

So what do you guys think is going to happens. Will Ryder find out? And who is this Ellie kid? Well to find out, you'd better keep reading, and look out for my updates.

And I'm still looking for the cast of this book. I'm terrible with actors/actresses.

Anyways, don't forget to vote and comment. Sorry for the typos.

Megs xxx

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