Chapter sixteen

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Your the one that I want, you are the one that I want. Ooh ooh ooh. The one that I need. Oh yes indeed.

Teach me how to love
Skye's pov

I opened my eyes to find Ryder's strong arms around me, and his chest against my back. Our body heat collided under the covers. Suddenly, my heart started beating faster, and my eyes widened.

Trying not to wake Ryder's calm, sleeping body, I gently pried my body out of his arms. I felt him stir against me, and his arms wrap tighter around my petite body. He sighed, and put his face into my neck.

Shit, I thought as panic raised through me. I felt the walls close in on me, the oxygen levels dropping. Breathing heavy, I ripped my body from beside his, and ran to the window.

Throwing the curtain aside, I yanked the window open. I sighed, as fresh air filled my lungs. I didn't even realise that I was naked against the cool breeze outside.

"Hey, babe", Ryder's husky morning voice drifts from the bed. "Are you ok?" I turned around as he asked me. His eyes slowly drifted down to my bare chest, and a streak of hunger flew through his eyes.

I flushed, and grabbed my dressing gown off the back of my closet door. "I...I.. I think you should leave", I stammer, as I walk out of my bedroom door. Seconds later, I could hear Ryder's heavy footsteps on the wooden floorboards.

Before I knew it, his hands were on my shoulders, trying to turn me around. "Skye baby, what wrong?" His eyes search mine, as he manages to turn me to face him.

But I couldn't look at him. "I think you should go." I repeated, my voice low and hoarse. He put his fingers onto my chin, and lifted my head, so I was looking up at him.

"Have I done something to hurt you? Baby girl, whatever it is, please tell me. I would never want go hurt you." There was worry and hurt on his face. He searched mine for the answer.

A silent tear began to trickle down my cheek, and I watched it splatter into the floor. Building up my courage, I looked up at him. His eyes widened when he saw my red puffy face.

"And why would you be worried about me?" I spat, anger slicing through my eyes. "All you guys do is treat us girls like toilet paper. You use us, then when you done. You just throw us away." I turned away from him, as my voice broke. I padded over to the kitchen window, as a whole flood of tears stream down my face.

"Babe, what are you talking about?" He tried to turn me around again, but my anger boiled over. I spun around, and poked the tip of my finger into his toned chest. I could feel his heart beating under his skin.

"I know what you guys do. You want us for a little while, then when you get bored, you just dump us on the street. I know what game your playing. Hump and dump. It's what all you boys do." All my anger flooded out, and angry hot tears began to stream down my face.

Ryder looked worried at me. "What do you mean? I would never do that to you. I'm not that type of guy..."

Yeah, well that's exactly what Tom said before he dumped me for a supermodel", I screamed. I then suddenly just realised what I had just said. I clamped my hand around my mouth, and let out a long sob. I sank to the ground, and cried into my hands.

Toms face fills my thought, his smug look when I first saw him with his new girlfriend. The face he had pulled when I found him having sex with another girl on my sofa, which I had thrown in the skip straight after.

Ryder's arms plucked me from my thoughts and I screamed, "No, get away from me. Just leave me alone." Hurt flickered across his face, then anger.

"Fine, be that way then", Ryder's voice broke. "You really think that I would do that to you. Not every guy is like Tom. Is that his name? And to think that you would expect me to treat you like that. That's bullshit Skye. I would never treat you like that. And if I did I would hate myself for life, if I made you feel that way."

I continued to keep my head down, clamping my hands across my ears. I knelt on the floor, rocking backwards and forwards.

"Fine, if you not going to talk to me, then I'll just leave you to it", I could hear his footsteps heading towards the front door.

Suddenly, I longed for his arms to be around my body. Oh how I missed those arms. I reached out for him, as I screamed after him, "No, please don't leave me. I need you. I'm a wreck. Can't you see that? I've been through hell, and I need you to pick up the pieces. The once that only you can fix."

When I didn't hear a reply, I sobbed into my palms again. A moment later, I felt Ryder's luxurious arms around me again. I sighed into him and let the tears fall.

When I had calmed down a little, Ryder gently pulled my away so that he could look into my eyes. They had home from an angry and hurt look, to a soft and soothing look. "Tell me about Tom."

I looked up at him, widening my eyes. I shook my head, willing the tears not fall again. Ryder grabbed hold of my hands, and rubbed his thumbs across the tops of my palms. "Please, open up to me Skye. I need to know what you have been through to help you to pick up the pieces."

I sniffled and decided that he needed to know. "I was about 18 when I met Tom. He was jus my type. With luxurious brown eyes that you can get lost in. Glossy brown hair that you can run you fingers through all day. He had that voice that could soothe a crying baby. And I fell for it.

"We were at a club. And he came up to me. We started talking and I instantly fell even more in love with him. Then he asked me if u wanted to go on a proper date with him. And I said yes. So after that we kinda became a thing. And when we did it for the first time, oh I was heaven.

"I has to get up for work the next morning. So I went. The cafe wasn't very busy that day, so I was let off early. When I got home, I found Tom having sex with another girl. On my sofa." A stream of tears began to poor down my face. "So I kicked them both out an told them never to come back. God I hates him for it. So that kinda why I don't trust guys anymore."

I finally looked up at Ryder for the first time since I had told him my story. I felt like a heavy weight had been lifted off my shoulders. I smiled at how relieved I felt. Ryder noticed this and grinned at me.

"I would never do that to you. Ever", Ryder said, and I saw the honesty in his eyes.
Another chapter. Yay. Do you know what? I really enjoyed writing this one. I really don't know why. I hope you guys enjoyed it. I hope it wasn't too boring.

Ok, so I may be finishing this story pretty soon. I know right. A short story. But I promise I will make this next one really long for you guys.

I have actually planned out what will happen at the end of this book. And I hope you guys will like it.

Don't forget to vote comment and share. Sorry for the typos.

Megs xxx

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