Chapter four

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My Sugar Daddy
Skye's pov

Hot water splashed into my face, and hit the shower floor like a waterfall. I let the water fall onto my face, as I scrubbed away any traces for mascara-stained tear trails.

I  sighed, and turned the off water, reluctantly. The cold air hit my straight away, sending cold shivers and goose bumps, up and down my body. I wrung my hair out, and wrapped it tightly into a towel. Grabbing my other cream coloured bath towel, I pushed the shower door open. I stepped onto the bath mat, and started drying myself off.

I caught a look of myself in the mirror. Now that I was makeup free, I could detect the sadness in my eyes and the fake smile on my lips.

Shaking the though out of my head, I slipped into my clothes and gingerly opened the bathroom door. The smell of sweet herbal tea instantly caught my attention, as I padded across the wooden floorboards towards my little kitchen.

I could see Miya pouring boiling hot water into our favourite mugs, that had best bitches printed on them. I smiled fondly from the memory of finding them and Miya encouraging me to buy them for us.

She walked over to the biscuit tub, and placed loads on a china plate. Picking up the two mugs, as she swivelled round, to look right at me.

"You took your time didn't you?" Miya joked. A warm smile was spread across her face, as she made her way into the living room.  Placing the mugs onto the coasters scattered across the table, she went back into the kitchen the retrieve the biscuits.

I walked over to the sofa, picked up my mug, with the word bitches on it and settled myself against the comfy cushions. Miya made her way back into the living room, placing the biscuits on the coffee table.

She flopped back against the sofa, grabbed the remote and snuggled up next to me. The TV lit up, showing an advert about going compare.

"So, what are we watching?" I asked,
sipping my tea. Steam rose from the cup, as I blew gently on the liquid in the mug.

The TV guide flashed into the screen. Miya breathed in heavily. "I known." Going off TV guide, she went onto Netflix and typed in Vampire Diaries S7. My face lit up.

"I knew this would cheer you up", Miya clapped her hands in glee, like a little child.
So we spent the whole day gawking over Ian Sommerholders fit body and crying at the depressing parts. After we  finished the whole season, Miya reached for my phone.

"I see you got my texts and calls", she laughed, showing me all the notifications I had.

"What are you doing?" I ask her, as he types my password into my phone. I seriously regret telling her my password.

"Getting us some chicken and pineapple pizza", she said, whilst tapping dominos's number into my phone. Pressing it to her ear, she waited for a voice to greet her.

"Hello, this is Dominos pizza delivery service. And how can I help you?"
Omg, two chapter done in one day. Your welcome guys.

Anyway, I can't wait to watch season 6 (I know I'm a bit behind!!) and 7 of
Vampire Diaries. I luv it!! It's my life, apart from wattpad of course.

Don't forget to vote, comment and share. Luv you all!!

Megs xxx

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