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Two years later

I adjusted my cap and looked at myself in the mirror. I couldn't believe it. After five years of slogging and studying my butt off, it was finally over. I was graduating.

A brown-haired boy barged into my room without my permission for the billionth time.

"After five years you'd think you would've learnt something." I shook my head.

My boyfriend wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed my neck. "One last time for old time's sake."

I laughed and looked at the boy in wonder. It was crazy to see how far we'd come. From best friends to lovers. I knew I wanted to spend the rest of my life with him.

James and I had both been accepted to Yale, and that's where we were going. College was going to be so much better with him.

"You know, five years ago I would've never imagined I'd get into Yale, let alone with you." James sat down on the edge of my bed and pulled me onto his lap.

"Yeah, me neither," I said, resting my forehead against his. I leaned forward and place a soft kiss against his lips. "I'm so glad we have each other."

"Valerie Penelope Valentine," said James, brushing my hair off my face, "you are the best thing to happen to me."

I smiled softly. I just hoped in a few years my last name would change.

I stood up and straightened out my graduation robe. "We should go down," said James, leading me out of my room. "The others are waiting."

As soon as we walked into the open ground, a brunette wrapped her arms around me. "We're graduating!" Peyton did her ridiculous happy dance. Her girlfriend laughed and joined the hug.

"Where's your brother," I asked Phoebe.

"Flirting with your sister."

Sure enough, Shane was with my sister. He had just told her something funny, and she threw her head back and laughed.

I'd forgiven Scarlett somewhere along the way. We still had some bitterness, but I could tell she was truly sorry.

Shane saw us and came our way. "The older Valentine's totally my type," he said winking. I rolled my eyes. I pulled him in for a hug. "I'm gonna miss you, Randall."

He rubbed my head and laughed. "Me too, Valentine. Me too."

Mikaela and Ryan joined us, with their fingers linked. I gave them both a hug. The only ones missing now from our group of nine were April and Isaac, who'd graduated the previous year.

I ran my eyes through the crowd. I found my parents talking to Denise's. We were still at war, but our parents has settled their disputes. My parents were back together, but they still kept quarrelling. I looked for more familiar faces, and I spotted a certain basketball player smiling at me.

"Oh my gosh!"

April and Isaac ran to greet us. All of us piled onto Shane for a group hug.

April looked more excited than normal.

"Okay, April," said Mikaela, "what's up?"

She looked at Isaac and grinned. "We're getting married!" She squealed, showing us the shimmering rock on her ring finger. All of us shrieked and wrapped our arms around the couple.


I looked at my eight best buddies in awe. I was going to miss them all so much. We were all heading our separate ways. Who knew when we'd see each other again? I blinked back the tears that were coming. There would be enough time to cry later. Right now, I was going to get my high school diploma.

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