Chapter XIII

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"I cannot believe you kissed my brother."

Phoebe, April, and I were at our table eating lunch together.

"He's a really good kisser, by the way," I said, stuffing half a burrito into my mouth.

"Ewww," said Phoebe, making a gagging sound.

"I cannot believe you walked away though," said April.

"Yeah, I can't either."

"I hope Shane's alright."

"Yeah, how is he?" I asked Phoebe.

"He's actually fine. I don't think it affected him much."

I felt a pang of sadness in my heart when I heard those words. So clearly I was right about one thing. He didn't feel the same way as I did.

"Hey, where's James?" asked April.

"Oh, he's probably with Mikaela," I replied.

"Why is he with Mikaela? He's supposed be with you."

"Oh right. You guys don't know. James and Mikaela are seeing each other."

"Why is he dating Mikaela? He should be dating you!"

I rolled my eyes at her. "It's fine. He's happy, I'm happy."

"Are you really?" asked Phoebe, leaning in.

"Yes. Besides, I like someone else."

Phoebe smirked. "We'll see."

She pointed to two people coming our way. James and Mikaela walked hand in hand and sat down at the table.

"Hey guys," said Mikaela. "Watcha doin'?"

"Nothing really," said April, but she winked at me. Phoebe caught this too and grinned.

"Hey, April. Don't we have cheer practice right now?"

April seemed to understand her plan. "Yes, we do. Well, see you guys at dinner."

I gave them murderous looks as they departed. James looked at me skeptically. I gave him the I'll-tell-you-about-it-later look.

"I'm going to go get some food," said James, standing up. "Do you girls want anything?"

We shook our heads and he left to join the queue.

"Hey Val. I wanted to ask you something."

I looked up at Mikaela. "Hmm?"

"You don't mind, right? Me and James?"

"Not at all."

"I just thought I should get your consent, 'cause, you know, you guys are best friends and stuff."

"I'm his best friend. Not his mother."

Mikaela laughed. "Yeah, that's true."

I could see why James liked Mikaela. She was a pretty blonde, and had a charming personality. I just had no idea that was his type. But then again, I had no idea what James' type was. He'd never spoken to me about any of his crushes. There were times when I even assumed he was so secretive because he was gay.

James came back with a plate of baked beans. "That's the worst queue on the planet." He shuddered. Mikaela took his hand.

I felt like I was imposing on their time together. "So I should get going," I said, slinging my bag across my shoulder. "Mr. Cummings wants me to help him sort out the ninth graders' papers."

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