Chapter 32

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Peeta is banging on the bedroom door even though I'm sure it's unlocked. I sigh and I open the bathroom door.
"What." I say coldly even though I don't want to be mean.
"Open up." He says back.
"Why should I? So you can yell at me?" I ask even though I know Peeta would never do that.
"Prim, I just want to talk." He says. I open the door. I turn around immediately and sit on my bed. Peeta walks over.
"I just talked to Rory. What happened?" He asks.
"I just... Nothing happened." I say.
"That's not what he said." Peeta responds sitting next to me.
"Peeta, I can't be around him. Not where we are about to go. It will only make things harder." I say.
"Prim, things will be worse if you don't spend what time with him that you can. He obviously plans on you coming back home, so you will have to live with this." He says. I sigh. We sit there for a moment. I take in what he said.
"Prim, it's like before the tour. You didn't see him for two months and when you finally did, you were the happiest person in the world. Only you don't have time this way around. You don't have the time Prim. You have until tomorrow morning to spend as much time as you can with him." Peeta says.
"But, what about in the arena. I want him to come home and I will stop at nothing to achieve my goal. What do I then? When it comes down to possibly just us. I need the time to separate myself from him." I say. I don't know why I'm saying this because I honestly do want to spend time with Rory. I just know that things won't be better if we do.
"Prim, enjoy the time you do have with him because, and even though it pains me to say this, it won't last long. One of you will end up dying in the arena and hopefully one of you will come home. I really hate to say that, but it's true." Peeta says. I sigh because I know it's true. And I know it is hurting Rory right now. I don't want to hurt him. I don't want to put him through any kind of pain. I love him too much to do that.
"Peeta, I know your right. I want to be with him too. I just think it is better." I say.
"It's not though Prim. It's really not. It won't help you at all. You need to spend time with the people you love with the time that you can and hopefully, we can get you back home so you can spend time with other loved ones. And your niece." He says and at the mention of my unborn niece, I feel the tears in my eyes but I hold them back. Peeta stands up.
"Prim, you need to spend as much time with him as you can. If you don't, you will hate yourself forever. However long that may be. Now come on." He says extending his hand for me to take. I look at it for a second, then to his face, and back to his hand. I sigh and I extend my arm as well. We walk down the hallway looking like brother and sister again. Amazing how close we are. We go into the living room and I see Rory with red eyes and a few tear marks on his face. I feel bad for putting him through that. Enough to make him cry! I'm a horrible person. Peeta lets go of my hand and I just stand there. I look at Rory and he looks back at me. Peeta clears his throat but also to snap me back to the reality. I look at him and he walks out of the room. Just Rory and myself. I slowly walk over to him and I sit down. There is an awkward silence until Rory breaks it.
"I'm sorry Prim. I don't know what I did but I'm sorry." He says. His voice cracked in a lot of different places even though he tried to keep it steady.
"Rory you didn't do anything. I was just feeling... a lot. A lot of different things." I tell him because I don't want him to feel bad for nothing. Even if he did do something I still wouldn't want to make him feel bad. Rory slowly and carefully reaches for my hand as if he is afraid I'm not going to let him take it. I let him of course. I lean back on the couch and Rory does to. We both sigh at the same time and look at each other. I smile a little and he has a grin on his face.

What if Katniss Didn't Volunteer: Catching Fire (completed)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ