Chapter 27

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This one is actually pretty long! :D
We sit in the living room and watch us being pulled through the City on the chariots. I try hard to notice the other tributes, but once it gets to us, it’s almost impossible. We receive a huge applause and cheers from the crowed, but I don’t remember it. I zoned out. I do remember however, some on the tributes the announcers made stick out.
“And from District 4, the Mentor and Tribute team of Finnick Odair and Mags…” Ceaser had said but I didn’t catch the last name. Interesting. So, she was his mentor in the Games, and now they have to fight against each other. A few other stick out like someone named Wiress and Beetee. They are from District 3 I think. That’s the technology district. That can be of an advantage for them in the Games too because they have been around making and creating things all their lives. Well, maybe Beetee. Wiress looks a little off her rocker. Probably after the Games things got to her but she looks mentally unstable. Then from District 7, there is Joanna Mason and another Victor.  His first name is Blight, but he doesn’t look like someone who wants to be back. No one wants to be back or be here for the first time. I see a lot of new comers this year but I’m almost positive they made sure all the best known Victors, making it an unforgettable Games. I can’t stand watching anymore and I ask to be excused. Before anyone can answer though, I get up and walk to the roof.  I wish I could be somewhere other than the Capitol watching it, but that will never happen. I take a fresh of air and I sit on the ledge, watching the sun go down. I don’t have many sunsets left either so I don’t really want to ignore them. And they are nice to see. Then, I hear someone open the door behind me. I’m sure it’s Rory or Peeta coming to talk to me. But I couldn’t have been more wrong. The tall figure walks over and sits on the ledge as well. I look at him in shock.
“Finnick Odair?” I ask still unsure. He smiles a little.
“Primrose Everdeen?” He says mocking my voice.
“How are you here? I didn’t think anyone was allowed up here. Except the people from my District since we had the penthouse and you have to walk through the penthouse to get here.” I ranted a little. He laughed.
“Primrose, when you have been a Victor for a while and everyone loves you, you get special treatment and almost anything you want. Plus, I didn’t have to walk through your floor to get here. There is actually an elevator behind the garden.” He says. I look back in that direction but I don’t see an elevator. I get up and stand on my tip toes but I still don’t see it. I walk over to the garden and sure enough, behind the potted rose plants, there is a small opening with buttons. I sigh and shake my head a little.
“I can leave if you want me to.” Finnick says behind me, scaring me half to death. I jump six inches because I didn’t expect him to follow me.
“I don’t mind, but could you not give me a heart attack?” I ask him. He laughs and nods. We walk back to the ledge and sit in our places. We don’t actually say anything and it makes things awkward. What is there to say? Maybe he came here for some alone time and I need to just leave so we can both have it. But then he breaks the silence.
“So Primrose, have you thought of any allies you want for the Games? He asked.
“No, I think I’m just going to protect Rory for a while. Then I will have to leave him.” I say not wanting to give anything away.
“Well, Mags and myself have been talking and we wanted to know if you guys wanted to be allies.” He said. Allies with Finnick? Well, that would be good. More protection from the other tributes and whatever the arena will hold for us. But bad when it comes down to so many. It could be just us then and I will have learned so much about Finnick and Mags and I want Rory to get back home. I wouldn’t be able to just kill them, but I could die trying.
“Uh, well. Let me talk to Rory. Think it over and I will tell you at training tomorrow. Does that sound okay?” I ask him. He nods.
“I think I’m going to go now. They will be waiting for me to get back so we can have dinner. I will see you at training tomorrow.” I lied. We already ate dinner, but he nods anyways.
“Good bye Primrose.” He says.
“Bye Finnick.” I say back. I walk back to the door and down the stairs. I see Rory standing right there at the bottom of them.
“Where you afraid to come up or something?” I ask him.
“No, I already went up. But you were talking to Finnick.” He says frowning.
“Oh, yeah. He wanted to be allies with us. What do you think?” I ask. Rory gets this look of concentration on his face as he thinks it over. He is probably coming up with the same outcomes as I did. I can see it as the expressions from boredom, sadness, and fear cross his face. He looks me in the eyes.
“What if it comes down to just us then. What would we do? We wouldn’t be able to overpower them. Not with Finnick’s strength anyway. But it would be more protection.” He says and he sits down on the steps. I walk a down and sit next to him. I grab his hand. I lean my head against his shoulder.
“Rory, I just don’t know. I just… I wish we didn’t have to be in this situation. I would do anything to get out of this.” I say softly. I sigh.
“Prim, I feel the same way. But we can’t do anything about it.” He said also sighing. I lifted my head and he looked at me.
“I hate thinking about this, but I’ve waited long enough. If we accept Finnick and Mags, we could always catch them off guard. We could get them while they are sleeping. When people are getting lower and lower, just take them out and go off by ourselves. Then, we will have to try to take out everyone left. When we finish that…” I trail off because I know if I say ‘I will kill myself or you will kill me’ it will just cause an argument and I don’t want one. Rory continues.
“And then we will work from there.” He says softly. I look at him and I see a tear sliding down his face. I know he is trying to be strong for me. I lift my hand and wipe away his tear.
“Rory, no matter what happens; I will always love you and only you. Okay?” I ask him. I see just the slightest smile and he nods. I give a small laugh and I put my lips to his. Instantly I feel sparks and I know since we are alone, we won’t have to break apart. He acts like he wants to talk more, but he refuses after I have given him about 3 kisses. He kisses me back. I let one hand find the back of his head and I play with his hair. He finds my waist and pulls me closer to him. I haven’t felt this close to him in a long time and I don’t want break apart. Ever. I lean in closer I’m basically on his lap. I kick my feet up so they are by the wall now. I put my other hand on his chest and he grabs it with hand and I come up for air. He waits only a second until he kisses me again and my heart is pounding so hard I’m sure he can hear it. My breathing comes heavier than usual and Rory puts his free hand on my cheek. He stops kissing me and leans his forehead against mine and our lips only an inch apart. I so badly want to lean in again, but I can barely breathe. He waits until we have both caught our breath to kiss me once more very softly. I hold on to his head like I never have before.
“Rory, will you stay with me tonight? At least until I fall asleep?” I ask him. I have never asked him that before and now seems like a good time since he seems relaxed. He smiles widely and says.
“Prim, I have been waiting for you to ask me that.” I smile and we get up. We walk to my room. I take a fast shower and put on a night gown. I yawn and look at Rory standing by my bed. I smile as I walk over and climb under my covers. Rory grabs a chair from the other side of the room and takes my hand in one of his. He starts moving the hair out of my eyes with such a gentle touch. I smile and close my eyes. Just as I’m about to fall asleep, I hear Rory.
“Goodnight Prim.” He says and I feel him stand up. He kisses the top of my head and drops my hand. He walks out of the door and my smile fades.
“Goodnight Rory.” I say into the darkness.

What if Katniss Didn't Volunteer: Catching Fire (completed)Where stories live. Discover now