Chapter 29

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***Still Flashback***
“Prim! Prim answer me Prim!” I yell but she is in a daze. Whatever happened to Rory must have her pretty focused because I can already see her going into that special place. In an instant, she turns around and I have her attention.
“Oh my Gosh Prim! What happened?” I say.
“Never mind that right now. Katniss, go upstairs into the
 spare bedroom and get the first aid kit.” She says. I may be older, but she is wiser when it comes to this. I nod and turn for the stairs. I walk up and open the closet. I grab the kit and race back downstairs. I find Peeta and Prim finished washing their hands and are putting on gloves.
“Katniss, go to Gale’s house and get him. But don’t tell him what happened. And don’t let anyone else come with him. Just tell him you want to take a walk and come back here okay?” She says and I nod. This is going to be bad. If I go to Gale’s house, he might get the wrong impression. But I had to. If something happened to Prim and she was with him and he didn’t tell me, I would be furious. I jog lightly to Gale’s house on the other side of the District. I brace myself for what may come, and I knock on the door. I wait about 10 seconds until I see Gale standing in front of me smiling. Wrong impression.
“Hey Catnip.” He says still smiling. I remember what Prim said about not worrying him, so I play it cool.
“Hey Gale.” I say smiling a little.
“Couldn’t stay away?” He says walking out and closing the door.
“Well, actually, I was hoping you could come to my house for a while. I have something I want to show you.” I say smiling. Bad idea with the smile because he really gets the wrong impression. He smiles bigger and even gives a small laugh.
“Sure let’s go.” He says and we walk down his steps. He reaches for my hand and I have to let him take it. When we are out of hearing distance from the house, I let go off his hand.
“Come on! We have to go now! We have to hurry!” I say starting to run.
“Wait why? What’s wrong?” He asks but starts running.
“Something bad. Come on!” I say and we run all the way to Victors Village. We bust through the door and I run into the kitchen with Gale only a step behind me. When he can finally see, I think he might puke. He looks light headed and almost like he is going to faint. I grab a chair and he slowly sets himself down.
“What happened?” He whispers still looking at Rory wide eyed.
“We don’t know.” I say softly.
“What do you mean you don’t know! How do you not know what happened to my little brother! How did this happen!” He yells. Peeta looks up but Prim can’t hear us. She can only hear us when she needs something or when things are over and she can escape that secret place.
“Gale, we will find out soon. Come on, you don’t look well.” I say helping him over to the couch. Gale is the strongest person I know but he when he sits down, I see the tears. I look over at Peeta who is opening the wound more for Prim. I look back at Gale and I brush the tears off of his cheek. Gale doesn’t cry, and this is breaking my heart. I take both of his hands and look into his eyes.
“Gale, you know how skilled Prim is. Rory will be okay. I promise.” I look at Peeta again and he isn’t paying any attention to me. I kiss Gale on the cheek. It must have been louder than I thought though.
“I heard that.” Peeta sighs. “But I don’t mind.” I laugh a little and I see Gale give just a hint of a smile. We sit there for a while talking and I try to ask him things to get his attention away from Rory, which I know is impossible. I would be the same way. He acts like he wants to answer though. After a while, I get up and call me mother in District 7.
“Hello? Is this Mrs. Everdeen?” I ask.
“Yes. Who is this?” She says.
“Mom, it’s me Katniss.” Listen there has been an accident. Do you think you could come home soon?” I ask.
“Why? What happened?” She says worried.
“Well, something happened to Rory but we aren’t sure what. We have just been listening to doctor Prim.” I say
“Well, I might be able to find a way back if they will allow it. Let me check.” She says and I hear some type of weird music. After a minute, she is back.
“Yes, I can leave. I will have to come back soon, but I should be on the next train out of here. About 7ish. Okay?” She says.
“Okay, bye mom.” I say and I hang up. I walk back out and see Gale has moved over to the table. Just as I reach Peeta, Prim leans back.
“Prim, what… happened?” Gale asks calmly. Prim tells us everything. Running to the Meadow, an argument at the fence, shooting the deer, swimming, coming back and waiting for a surprise, hearing him scream, the mountain lion, using the bow and arrows, running through the District until finally, the story is caught up to now.
“Why would you go in there without Peeta or Gale or me?” I ask her very mad.
“Katniss, I was in the Hunger Games. I was around this stuff already and I thought I could handle it. Think how much worse it would have been if I didn’t and he went in by himself. Gale, he needs blood. What’s your type?” She asks.
“O negative, same as his.” He says.
“Good, I’m taking a pint. Let me just stitch this up though.” She takes the blood and gives him a snack. “Eat this, I may need more blood.” I tell him and he obeys..
“By the way Prim, mom is on her way back to help. I called her when I got back with Gale. She is taking the Capitol train so she should be here about 7 tonight.” I inform her. She nods and puts more stuff on his back.
“That’s all we can do for right now.” she sighs. “We will just have to wait.”
Peeta and I nod and He starts making dinner. I set the table and I convince Gale to eat with us. He agrees, but I know he won’t eat much. Prim stays by Rory. I know it’s not only because he is a patient of hers, but because she really does like him. My 13 year old sister may actually be in love. I don’t want to admit it, but I will. She has love in her eyes whenever she is around him. We eat and move to the living room until my mother returns at 7. We get up and her and Prim go over a checklist. Prim passes, but apparently she didn’t give him enough sleep syrup because he wakes up with a moan. Prim is the first to him and Gale is a close second. Rory tries to sit up, but screams instead. Prim lays him back down and I see Gale choke back a few tears.
“Mom, he needs to eat.” Prim says. She gets applesauce from the fridge and she spoon feeds it to him. I start to zone out as I imagine what she went through. After trying to keep him from going in there, but then agreeing to so he wasn’t by himself-which probably saved his life-and then swimming with him and actually having fun like a kid should. Then, out of nowhere hearing his painful scream and having to carry him all the way here to heal him so he didn’t die. To watch his blood pressure and heart rate jump around to this moment right now. I snap back to reality and I see Rory giving Prim some flowers. They are primroses. She smiles and kisses him. Peeta and I aw at the same time. I even feel a tear in my eye as Prim sits down next to him and grab his hand. After Prim and Rory fell asleep, I turned to Gale.
“I’m sure you want to stay here right?” And he nods.
“We will um, go let your mother know you will be here tonight. We won’t tell her what happened yet though.” Peeta says.
“Okay. Thank you.” He says.
“Would you like the guest bedroom or…” I trail off.
“I would actually like to stay down here with him.” He says and I get him a pillow and blanket. He sits on the couch and Peeta and I walk to the Hawthorne’s house. All we tell Hazel is that Rory and Gale are going to stay with us tonight.
“We are having a great time and we want them to stay.” I tell her. She eyes us but just shakes her head. She walks inside and we start walking back home. Peeta takes me hand and we make our way into my house. Gale is still up and I doubt he will sleep tonight. We sit down in the living room with him.
“Thank you Peeta. For helping Prim with Rory. It means a lot.” Gale says. Peeta looks a little shocked, but doesn’t let it show for long.
“It’s no problem Gale. Rory is a good kid and I don’t want to see anything happen to him.” Peeta says. Out of nowhere I yawn. I’m actually really tired.
“Katniss why don’t you go to bed. I want to talk to Peeta for a while.” Gale suggests. I don’t resist and I don’t give Peeta a goodnight kiss. That’s too much for Gale today. I walk upstairs and turn on my fireplace. I climb in bed and I just think. I think and think and think until something shocks me. Gale called Peeta, Peeta.

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