Chapter 28

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**Katniss’s POV**
            I wake up in my room with the fire glowing brighter than usual. This morning will be Prim’s first day of training. So, today is Tuesday, which means she will go in the Arena on Saturday. She needs to find some Allies though. With more skilled Victors to face and many fighting to bring loved ones home, I can guarantee this will be a lot harder. I get up out of bed and go into the shower. The warm water feels good even though it has to be close to 80 degrees out already. This baby kind of screws up a lot of things with me. One minute I’m hot, and then I need a blanket. Then I will have just eaten and I’ll be full, but then I will need something else to eat (Usually some weird craving). I get out of the shower and towel dry myself as best as I can. I put on some pants and just a green T-shirt as best as I can and I go downstairs. I don’t expect to see him there, but he is.
“Oh, hey Gale.” I say.
“Hey Catnip.” He says back. Things have been a little awkward since that day he came over to talk. He tried so hard to convince me to change my mind about Peeta and go with him. How am I supposed to answer my best friend kindly when everything he says is a no? I think after Peeta, Prim, and Rory left, our conversation went like this.
The door shuts and Gale is sitting in the chair. I place myself on the couch right across from him and wait for him to say something.
“Katniss.” He sighs and I know he is serious now because he always calls me Catnip. When he calls me Katniss, he isn’t messing around.
“Yes Gale?” I ask a little annoyed.
“Katniss, he just went to bake cookies. Cookies! You really want a man who bakes cookies instead of a man who can hunt? Instead of someone who works in the mines? Someone who knows how to keep a family alive and fed? Someone who has been doing that anyway their entire life? You want dough boy over me?” He asks. I sigh.
“Gale, it has nothing to do with him baking cookies or baking bread. He loves me and I love him. I love you too, but in a different way. You’re my best friend but Peeta, he is more than that. And Peeta could easily take care of a family if we decide to have one, but I don’t want too. Peeta is fit for me and I’m fit for him. I’m sorry Gale, and I don’t want to lose you.” I say.
“Katniss, we could do it though. We could make it in the District or in the woods wherever you want to go, and I would always be by your side.” He said getting up and sitting beside me. I scoot away a little, but he comes closer. I scoot again but he comes closer. I scoot more until I’m on the edge of the couch, but he is right there. He grabs my hand and whispers into my ear.
“I have loved you so much longer. I have known you so much longer. Everyone thought it should be us who should get married. Everyone except you apparently.” His breath tickles my ear and I turn my head.
“Gale please stop. I really don’t want to lose my best friend but if you don’t back off, then I may be willing.” I say quietly but firmly. He leans back only a little but just so that way I have room to move my head. I turn to look at him but when I do; I find his lips against mine in such a forceful way I can’t pull away. The odd thing is, even though I have told myself no a thousand times, I don’t want to. At first a resist, but then something inside me feels warm. Not like the kisses with Peeta, those are different. In a better way right? I don’t try to pull away, and I actually lean in a little to kiss him more. Katniss what are you doing!? This kiss just feels so right. I put my hand on his shoulder and he grabs my waist and starts leaning back. Break apart, Katniss, you idiot! I am on top of him on the couch still kissing him when we hear footsteps outside. I stop kissing him and Gale goes back to the chair so it looks like we are just done talking. Peeta walks in with Prim and Rory. Prim bought a cake while she was there.
“Hey Peeta, do you think you can show me how to frost cakes like you?” Prim asks.
“Sure. Rory, would you like to learn to?” Peeta says. Just as Rory is about to answer, but then I hear Gale.
“I said he could be with Prim, not you Peeta.” He says coldly.
“Sorry Rory.” Peeta says. He respects people too much. Despite the nice kiss we just had, that comment makes me mad.
“What is your problem Gale? And who said you were my boss. I do have a mother you know?” Rory says back I’m shocked at him talking back
 “Yeah, you’re right Rory. You do have a mother. But do you have a father? No, you don’t. So I’m the closest thing you have to one and I know what is best for you.” Gale says not even trying to hide his disgust. Rory is speechless.
“Gale, there is no reason he can’t learn to decorate with Prim and Peeta. Give me one reason right now.” I say still a little mad.
“I don’t want him to turn into a pansy by learning how to make bread and decorate things. I want him to be a man.” He says. Didn’t we just talk about this? Before I can talk, Peeta speaks up.
“You know, I think you two better go outside for a bit. It’s nice out. Go on now. We will get you soon.” And with that, Prim and Rory are out the door. Peeta turns and sits on the couch beside me. He must sense something because he doesn’t hold my hand like usual. I’m actually thankful for that.
“Gale, I don’t care what you have against me; there is no reason Rory can’t come with myself and Prim. It’s more for Prim than himself anyway.” Peeta says.
“I would rather see him hunt than bake.” Gale says cold.
“And who is going to teach him that Gale? You don’t have the time since you are down in the mines all the time now. You had one day off and instead of showing him how to use a bow and arrow, you decide to have a make out session with me!” I say bitterly until I realize what I just said in front of Peeta. I cover my face in my hands and I swear under my breath but I’m sure both of them heard it. I can’t even look at Peeta right now so I just sit there in the awkward silence while they both look at me.
“Gale go home.” I say. He doesn’t resist and he gets up. When I hear the door close, I slowly move my hands away from my face to look at Peeta who has different emotions cross his face. Anger, betrayal, sadness. It’s too much for me to handle. Peeta doesn’t know what to say, for the first time since I have known him, but something needs said.
“Peeta, I’m sorry.” I say softly.
“Katniss, you have to tell me something. Did you resist?” He asks, anger coming back on to his face. No use in lying.
“No Peeta, I didn’t. I actually encouraged it.” I say.
“Why?” He says almost inaudible. Sadness is back on his face.
“I don’t really know. Something felt right about it. Something in your kiss is different than in his.” I say.
“Katniss.” He says finally looking in my eyes. He reaches for my hand and I let him take it. His eyes are like the ocean but I can still see the sadness.
“Don’t worry about what I feel and what he feels. Tell me what you feel. Who are you happier with? I don’t care what it costs me, I care about ” He asks. He isn’t looking for a fast reply. He is looking for an answer that takes some thinking. I don’t want to give him that kind of answer though because I know it will only hurt him to have to wait. To see if I chose him or Gale. I out my hands around his neck and I pull him close. Usually it’s me who needs comfort, but not today. Not this time. Peeta has done so much for me and I have done so little in return. All I have done is hurt him.
“Peeta, all I have done is hurt you. Why would you still want me?” I ask. He pulls away and looks at me funny.
“Katniss, you haven’t hurt me. Not at all. In fact, you have been nothing but good to me. You are my life now and I want nothing more than to be with you. That’s why…” He cuts himself off grabbing my left hand with the ring. He gently rubs his finger on top of it. “That’s why I asked you to marry me.” He finishes.
“Peeta, you asked me who I was happier with right?” I ask. He nods. “How about the person I agreed to marry?” I say smiley slightly. Peeta’s face grows in to a huge grin and he pulls me in for a kiss. I back away though and he looks confused.
“Hang on.” I say running to the kitchen sink and rinsing my mouth out. He comes up from behind and puts his arms around me, making me jump and spit the water out. I can’t help but laugh and I turn around to kiss him. I break apart almost right away though because something is off.
“It doesn’t feel weird for you? Since I just kissed Gale?” I ask.
“It doesn’t feel weird at all honey.” He says and he kisses me again. This time, knowing he is okay, the kiss doesn’t seem weird. We are only interrupted when Prim rushes in carrying Rory. And she places him on the kitchen table.

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