Chapter 21

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The months drug on. By the time the reaping came along, I would be getting close to 9 month pregnant. If I was picked, I would have my baby is the arena. With a bunch of people trying to kill us. Peeta and I stayed with each other as much as we could. I didn’t hunt and he only worked at the bakery twice a week. He stayed over every night and he easily forgave my mother for banning him. Even though she let him come right back. The night before the Reaping we went to bed and I had a nightmare.
I’m walking through the district. My tummy was extended and I knew the baby would be born soon. I smiled because the district was different. There were no more Reapings or Hunger Games or fear. I saw Prim and Peeta. I stood in the middle of them and then a voice.
“Katniss Everdeen!” It said. It sounded like Effie Trinket. I knew it wasn’t though because she would be in the Capitol. I heard it again.
“Katniss Everdeen! Congratulations on being chosen for the Hunger Games!” She said. I closed my eyes and held my hands over my ears. When I opened my eyes again, I was in the arena. My stomach was small again and in my arms was a beautiful baby. She had dark hair like me and bright blue eyes like Peeta. I knew it was my baby girl. Then, I hear another voice.
“Congratulations Katniss Everdeen! You may select one other tribute to leave the arena with you! Good luck, and may the odds be ever in your favor.” It said. I look around and I see everyone there. My mother, Rory, Gale, Madge, Prim, and Peeta. I can only pick one. No. No please.
“Katniss, who do you choose?” They all say at once. Gale walks over.
“We have done so much together. I’m your best friend. Pick me.” Then walks away. Prim walks up.
“I’m your sister. You love me. I’m your little duck. Pick me” She says and walks away. Everyone comes and says something to me. Peeta is last.
“Katniss, I’m your husband. I want you to be happy. I love you, but don’t choose me.” He says and walks away. I’m left to decide. I don’t know who.
“I choose-” I start to say before they all scream and fall to the ground dead. I scream to, and I fall to the ground, but I’m not dead. I look up and see President Snow.
“Who do you choose?” He asks evilly taking my baby.
“No!” I scream, but he has done it. The thing I feared most. He has killed my baby. I scream and somehow I’m not in that arena anymore. I’m in a bed with Peeta shushing me and speaking soft words. He looks at me with concern, but only hugs me tighter. He kisses the top of my head and then speaks.
“Katniss, calm down. It’ was a dream.” He says stroking my hair.
“I wish it was a dream. It was a nightmare! Peeta, everyone I knew died in the arena. President Snow took our baby and killed her! Peeta, she was so beautiful and he killed her!” I say hugging him as tight as I possibly can.
“Katniss, I will never let anything hurt you or the baby.” He says.
“Yes you will. If we both go in together. If you die, that will hurt me. Beyond repair too. I won’t be the same without you. And if I die, you lose the baby too. Unless I give birth in the arena. Which is looking more and more likely.” I say.
“Who said we are going in there Katniss? It’s could be Rory and Rosemary for all we know. I know that’s not good for Prim, and I’m sorry. But we shouldn’t worry. We don’t know how things with spin. We can only hope the less painful is selected.” He says. We both know it’s a lie. We both know they are going to rig the drawing. I nod anyway at his attempt to calm me. It’ has somewhat.
“Katniss, it’s time to get up.” He says. I don’t want to face the Reaping though. He sees my hesitation and kisses me very sweet. This may be the last time I see him if he or I are chosen, so I take advantage. We sit up in my bed, still kissing, and I wrap my arms around his head. I move my fingers in his hair and I hear him moan a little. I keep kissing him until I need to take a breath. When I open my mouth for air, he slips his tongue in my mouth. I stop and laugh.
“Since when are you French?” I ask him.
“Since I started kissing the most beautiful Mellark on this planet.” He says back smiling. I laugh a little and give him another kiss. We get up and get ready. I don’t take a shower, but Peeta does. I dress in a simple dress. It’s white with black poke-a-dotes and has a pink bow around the waist so my chest and stomach looks almost separated. I smile and rub my tummy.
“I won’t let anyone hurt you baby girl. Your father and I love you too much. I can only hope for a day that you can grow up without fear. Without the Hunger Games.” I say to her. Peeta must have heard me and came up from behind. He wraps his hands on my stomach and rests his head on my shoulder. I lean mine against his and we stay like that. I close my eyes and imagine a world with no Hunger Games and Peeta’s baby could play and live in safety. Then, a bright flash brings me to my senses and I see I camera man taking pictures of us.
“Get out of here now!” I scream at him. How dare he even think of ruining such a perfect moment.
“Can’t. I have orders to get pictures of you two.” He says smirking. Peeta lets go of me and walks over to him. Peeta towers over him and picks the camera man up. He walks to the door and puts him outside the bedroom. Peeta locks the door and comes back over to me. He leans down and kisses my stomach.
“I love both of you. So much more than anyone could think. I just want you to know that.” He says giving me another kiss. The guy is knocking like crazy and he actually breaks my door. We don’t notice though, we are in the moment. The flashes are annoying though. Peeta lets go of me and kisses my stomach again. For the cameras, but more for the baby I think.

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