Former Demon Pair vs Water-Mirror Demon, Spiegel

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The clone battle in the anime was too exaggerated like an oversized Zoltraak, I thought about rewriting everything involuntarily.

- Arimaria


30 minutes ago. Just before entering the depths of the Ruins of the King's Tomb. I separated from the others and discussed the upcoming plans with Frieren and Linie.

I would entrust Frieren to deal with my clone, and her clone would deal with Linie. That's why it was necessary for us to share information about each other's strengths and strategies.

And so, the conclusion we reached was...

"...Aura, what a troublesome person she is..."

"Uh, I can't really deny that when you put it that way..."

Frieren's words made me lower my head involuntarily.

In reality, I, or rather my original self, contribute the least to conquering this labyrinth. Or rather, I have a significant negative impact.

No, I do think I contribute in various ways, you know? At least, I think so...

"While the original body is significantly weakened by the inability to use trump cards, the duplicate excels due to a perfect match in magical compatibility. It's not something that happens often. Moreover, the threat level is determined simply by the amount of mana, making it a threat that can move around freely and ambush rather than waiting as a boss in the depths. On the other hand, the original body suffers from poor magical compatibility with the dungeon, and when fighting seriously, it runs out of mana in about five minutes... If it weren't for Aura, wouldn't the difficulty of this dungeon have dropped by about two levels?"


"Um, Aura is very serious and tends to get depressed about things like this, so could we stop around there?"

"Ah, sorry."

Linie intervened to mediate, making Frieren stop talking.

I understand... I know very well that I'm dragging everyone down, truly...

If I may make excuses, until I entered this dungeon and observed it firsthand, I only heard about the Spiegel in passing. So, I didn't understand the characteristics of the clone...

If it operates autonomously, it might be a magical creature, and if so, Auserlese might work. If it's just a simple duplicate, then I thought that as long as I fought evenly, I could at least buy time until Frieren defeated the duplicate. That's what I thought...

However, I never imagined that the duplicate doesn't have a soul, so Auserlese doesn't work, and its compatibility with the labyrinth is so good due to being connected to it, making the spell to move things unexpectedly effective... Well, saying I never imagined it would be a lie. It was the worst-case scenario for me, a place so inconvenient to me.

But that's just an excuse after all. No matter what I say, the truth is that I, who should be helping everyone, am holding them back.

I felt disheartened and expressed my remorse while sitting formally...

"It's not all bad, though..."

I heard Frieren's words, which had been lingering in my mind.

"If it weren't for Aura, I'm sure I would have infiltrated the labyrinth on my own initiative, and in that case, there would have been almost no chance of passing this trial. If I didn't feel the mood to cooperate, I would have gone alone with Fern, and if that had happened, there would have been fewer people there now... Aura is definitely helping someone. You're amazing," she said as her hand gently patted my head.

Strongest Hypnosis Charmer vs Demonessजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें