The Strongest Hypnosis Charmer & the ''Connection'' & ''Obedience'' Girls (2)

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Epilogue Part 2. A bit long.

- Arimaria


I could hear the soft chirping of a bird. While feeling the faint morning sunlight filtering through the curtain, I couldn't help but think, "Morning chirping is a consistent culture even in another world."

There was a soft, warm sensation on my arm.

"Good morning, sir."

In her pleasant, bell-like voice, I could feel deep affection and fondness. As I stroked her soft hair, I returned the greeting.

"Good morning, Linie. You're adorable as always today."

"Thank you, I'm glad."

She smiled softly, her expression much richer compared to when we first met three days ago. Living a peaceful daily life without battles, she must have felt relieved, knowing she had become human and would not return to being a demon.

...And so, with a little tranquility settling in, her true self started to emerge.

"Mister, want to cuddle in bed? It's cold today, and I don't want to leave the warmth of the bed."

"Well, the bed is indeed warm and cozy. I don't feel like getting up either."

The real Linie was quite lazy.

Actually, she had a tendency to be lazy from the start, but before, she seemed to rush through life or even rush toward death more than anything.

Becoming human must have made her happy, but at the same time, she became aware of her own sins.

Perhaps... it was in the battle with Lügner that she overcame something. Since then, Linie has started to show a bit more of her true self.

"I hate winter, it's cold... but I like you because you're warm. Hey, I'm warm too, right? Do you like it?"

"You're warm, and I like it."

"Then, let's cuddle, okay? Come on, it's nice, right?"

I chuckled as Linie rubbed her body against mine and looked up like a child begging for something.

If this were yesterday or tomorrow, I might have accepted the temptation of indulgence, but unfortunately, or perhaps fortunately, there's someone here to scold such laziness now.

"Linie, aren't you bothering him?" said a girl with beautiful purple hair as she entered the room, her hair neatly tied up.

She's our new companion, Aura, a former demon girl who has become mine.

Wearing a rather simple apron, compared to modern aprons, more like a simple front apron, she looked at Linie with a slightly exasperated expression. Although we greatly enjoyed the hypnosis session with Linie yesterday, it seemed she was not tired at all today. Demons' bodies are amazing, huh?

"Good morning, Aura," I greeted her with a morning salutation, and she responded with a smile.

"Good morning, sir. Breakfast is ready, will you eat?"

"Yeah, I'll have some. Linie, come on."

As I lifted the covers, Linie, shivering with her beautiful skin, lazily sat up.

"Ugh, it's cold... I'm still sleepy..."

"Linie, you were actually awake and looking at his face since two hours ago, weren't you?"

"Hey, Aura, that's cheating."

"If you don't want me to say it, then wake up earlier. You know we have plans for today, right?"

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