New Mothers.

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"Is she still moving around a lot?" Emily asks me.


She nods, looking back at the screen in front of her. She holds the probe over one spot on my stomach.

"What?" I ask.

She shakes her head, "The probe might be glitching. I'm going to grab another one. Sit tight."

She leaves the room after turning the machine off. "Should I be worried?" Christian asks me.

"I don't know."

He holds my hand as I try my best not to think of the worst possible scenario. She comes back with a new probe and an ultrasound tech.

I look up at Christian. He'll know from my expression. He squeezes my hand. She doesn't bother turning our monitor on and turns her screen away from us.

"What is it?" I ask quietly.

Emily looks at me, "We'll talk after."

I shake my head, "No, what is it?"

"Um- How many times did you feel movement today?"

"15, probably. I've been up since 6:30."

She nods, "Okay."

She turns the screen back on, "Her cord is wrapped around her neck. It isn't tight or locked so there's a good chance that she'll unwrap herself. It's nothing you did. They get so cramped that most of the time it's inevitable. We'll monitor it from here on out at appointments. I'm not worried it was a pure shock to see though."

I nod. "I've delivered hundreds of healthy babies that have their cord wrapped around their neck more than once. Chances are that she unwraps herself and you both will be fine."


"Let's schedule a date for 36 weeks, so 3 weeks out. If you need any type of reassurance or scan and I'm at the hospital, we'll do it. It doesn't have to be a huge time commitment like an actual appointment."

She wipes the gel off of my stomach, "Sorry for alarming you guys. I wasn't sure if what I was seeing was right."

"It's fine."

"Just continue to count movements even more than before."

"I will."

Christian helps me off of the table, "I need to pee before we leave."


We stop by the bathroom on our way out. I take my bag from Christian, "Are you going to work?"

"I should but I don't want to."

We walk out to his car. He opens the door for me, "Why don't we go home?"


I know I should not think too much about this. I know I am in good hands. I know Emily wouldn't lie to me. I just wish it wouldn't have happened.

I start to feel her kick again. I needed that. I love being pregnant. I would do it again in a heartbeat. But I can't wait to not feel the stress of being pregnant.

When we get home, I call Bridget and Sydney to keep them in the loop. Neither asks any questions that I'm not willing to answer. They both know I don't look forward to work each day.

Her kicks made me stop in my tracks as I headed for the couch. She's fine. She's going to be fine.

I hold my phone up to my ear as I input details into a chart, "How are you feeling?" Christian asks me.

"I'm really tired."

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