Ruin Me.

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I hold my hand on Christian's back as everyone starts to file out of the restaurant. I quite possibly had the best meal ever. It was incredible.

He pulls me into him as we go out onto the sidewalk, waiting for the bus to come around from the parking lot. It's a bit cooler than when we left.

I stand in front of him as he blocks the breeze. His arms over my shoulders and my back pressed against his chest. This is an awfully painful position for a not-dating relationship we've got going on right now.

When the bus comes around, everyone files in and finds a row to sit in. Christian sits next to me as I took the window seat. "If I had my jacket, I'd give it to you."

"It's fine. I'll live."

He keeps his hand on my knee. I'm not sure why. I don't know if he knows he's doing it. I won't complain.

I will say that he does look damn good. I'd hate to have Bridget be right but it's sure looking like that. At this rate, yeah, I'm dead. Between the small amount of tension in the elevator on our way down to the lobby when I bumped into him or when he tied my dress. Or just five minutes ago when we stood together.

When the bus pulls up to the hotel, he takes his hand away. We file off the bus, just in time for the sunset. We go to a spot that's not so crowded with everyone else enjoying the sunset.

I watch him watch the sunset as I leaned back on the couch. "Do you miss playing down here?"

He looks back at me, "I'm indifferent about it. I miss playing with the guys I grew up with through the minor league system but I also love playing in Milwaukee. The past few months have been fun."

I smile, hearing how much he loves Milwaukee. "Why did you choose Milwaukee? Or was it always a city you wanted to be?"

"The hospital offered me the best salary and I could start immediately as an NP. I didn't have to work as an RN for a couple of years before transitioning. Good benefits, insurance, all that really fun adult stuff."

He laughs, "And you get to be the boss."


A breeze moves past us and my body shivers. He looks back at me, "You wanna head up?"


We walk through the pool area and lobby to the elevator. We stand on opposite sides of the elevator. I avoid his eye contact.

When I do, he doesn't take his eyes off me. "Why are you staring now?"

The elevator doors open. He shrugs and I get off in front of him, "You look good."

And yet he won't do anything about it.

I sit in my bed and he sits on his. Both of us take our shoes off. "If you keep looking at me like that, you're going to have to do something about it," I tell him, facing his bed with my legs crossed.

"You don't want that."

"I don't?"

"I thought you didn't. Am I wrong?"

I shrug, "You could be a little wrong."

I was set on proving Bridget wrong. "Yeah? I didn't expect that from you."

"Maybe it's the alcohol, maybe it's not. Maybe I enjoy spending time with you."

"Prove it."

He should know not to challenge me. I won't go down without a fight. I stand in front of him, wanting him to move his hands so I can sit on his lap.

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