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I wake up alone, wishing Christian would've stayed in bed. I toss and turn until I'm comfortable while scrolling through my phone. I'm starting to wonder if he left.

Christian pushes my door open, "I thought you left."

He sets a mug on my nightstand, "Why would I do that?"

I sit up and take the mug. I take a sip, "Thank you."

He gets back in bed with me, "You're welcome."

I settle into his embrace as he kept an arm around me. His other hand messed with my hair.

My eyes close, my phone falling out of my hand, "You're going to make me fall asleep."

"That's fine."

I reach for my coffee after sitting up, "You need to make coffee more often."

"Like it?"


He keeps his hand on my leg, "What should we do today?"



"I had nothing planned."

"I can work with that."

I set the mug down before getting out of bed. "Why? What do you have planned?"

"You're coming with me to the game tonight."

"Oh, I am?"


I look at him through the mirror, "Why are you being weird today?"

"I am not."

"Yes, you are."


"You just are. That's all I have to say."

I wait along the wall with Larisa, Ryan's wife, "Usually they don't take this long."

"They need to hurry up. I have work in the morning."

She laughs, "Where do you work?"

"Froedtert emergency room."

"I knew it was something medical. Couldn't remember. Do you like it?"

"Yeah, it's very rewarding."

"That's awesome."

I smile and nod, "Seriously, he's not even playing."

"I've been doing this for years and I've learned that they just like to talk like they don't see each other for ten hours out of the day. Then they come back the next day and continue to talk about who knows what."

They finally come out of the clubhouse. "Finally."

We walk out together, "You know I have work in the morning."

"Don't blame me. Ryan likes to talk."

He opens the door for me, "You're walking a hell of a lot better," I tell him.

He shuts my door before getting in on the driver's side, "That's what our training staff has said."

"Are you doing PT?"

"With the team. Hypothetically, could I do it at the hospital?"

I laugh, "No, they'll send you to a sports rehabilitation clinic on the north side of the city."

"Damn. So I should stick with my team?"

"Yeah, you should."

He takes me home. He stands behind me as I unlock my front door, "I think I should stay," he tells me.

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