Chapter Sixty-six: "Meese" Isn't The Plural of Muse.

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Chapter Sixty-six: "Meese" Isn't The Plural Of Muse.

Angelo's POV

"Mr. Sullivan?" Charlie, the driver called, causing me to look up from my phone, he was standing just inside the entrance. "I'm only checking if everything is alright. Would you like me to turn on the lights?

"Leave the lights Charles, we should go right away actually." I said, fighting to keep the smile off my face. I was so giddy I could barely coordinate my hands.

"I will get those for you, Sir." Charles offered kindly after my failed attempt at packing up my albums. Albums I would cherish for the rest of my days. I wondered how Letty would react if I showed them to her. She would be over the moon for sure.

My subconscious did a happy dance at the thought of her beautiful smile. Following closely behind Charles, I wondered what on earth I would say in reply to her baby duck sticker.

A simple 'hello' won't do, a surprised reply was out of the question and the crying emoji which summed up how I felt as a whole was not appropriate in this case.

The only solution I could think of was to ask for help.

"Guys, she texted me." I announced to Noah and Mey, lowering myself into the backseat so Charlie could shut the door and drive me to the guest house I was staying for the meantime.

"Freakin' finally!" Noah exclaimed from his end of the call.

"Dude YES!" Mey yelled, right into my ear. "When!?"

"About five minutes ago. I don't know what to say, should I just tell her hi back?" I let my head fall against the backrest as I pressed my finger tips to my nose bridge, "Freaking hell, I've imagined this moment over a million times but now I'm at a loss..."

"Well did she text you like 'hiiiii', or did she just say 'hi'? Were there any exclamation marks?" Mey inquired.

"She sent me a sticker of a duck, man." I said, feeling my face grow warm, "It- it's an inside joke." I added quickly.

"Then laugh at the damn joke, son!" Noah chuckled. "Ya don't wanna overdo it though, send no more than three emojis."

"Three laughing emojis, got it."

"I think two is better." Mey said.

"No one sends two laughing emojis." Noah and I chorused.

"Three's just too much in this scenario." Mey explained.

"Then I'll just send one." I said. "There, I did it."

"Woohoo! The romance is back in business, baby!" Mey hooted.

"Tell 'er we said hi." Noah put in. "We'll leave ya to it."

My subconscious was biting on his nails like we were ten again, "Don't you want to see what she replies with?" I asked. It could be anything, in this case the list of possible outcomes was endless.

"Just tell us after, get some sleep, okay? Make sure you eat something too." Mey said and they both hung up.

Almost immediately after, I received another notification.
It was unfair actually, just how easily she could make my heart skip.

Letty : I know you have a thing against apologies, but I'm sorry it took me so long to reach out to you.

I huffed lightly, looking out the window to find we were sitting in traffic. Not that I cared. After hovering my thumbs over the keyboard for too long, I decided to reply.

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