Chapter Nine: A French Heroine.

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Chapter Nine: A French Heroine

"See what you did, Moo!" I scolded my cat who was sitting near the broken vase on the floor. "Mom just sent this for me. It's all the way from Greece and you just broke it!"

Moo regarded me with bright green eyes before deciding she didn't care, getting up to strut away. "Meow."

"Well screw you too, kitty" I huffed, bending to gather the pieces. "I can't believe it, mom hasn't talked to me for days now and the one thing she sends is gone!"

"I have glue if you want some." Dad announced, as he came downstairs, yawning. The sound of the crash must have woken him up.
We'd both slept in today since Dad's restaurant opened late on Saturdays and there was no school for me.

"Yeah, I'll try to glue them together" I said, with a shrug.

"Did your mom forget that cats and vases don't go together?" He chuckled, tying his bath robe at the waist.

"She probably thinks I'm old enough to handle stuff like this" I pouted.

"Don't worry, she'll understand. You have to go for that ball the Franceses are holding tonight, right?" He asked.

I groaned, I didn't want to go to the social event, not today, not ever.
"I have to, I didn't plan to do anything today but hang out with you like we agreed"

Dad smiled as he went into the kitchen to make a cup of tea.
I didn't dare have any coffee today, my plans were to just laze around throughout.

"Pizza?" I asked, stifling a yawn.

"Pizza" he agreed.

We both decided to be lazy slobs.
And couch potatoes. All we did till evening was sit on the couch in a pile of different food and watch TV.

It was one of the best days I'd ever had. Even Moo had a great time just sleeping and eating and watching TV.

Of course as the saying goes, all good things have to come to an end.

Hale pulled up at my house with roses in his hand. I startled when the doorbell rang.

"Oh no, I look like a mess" I said, jumping to my feet. "The house is a mess"

" go, I'll clean up" Dad said, getting up to turn on the light. We both hissed at the sudden brightness.

The door bell rang again but not impatiently. I wished Hale would be rude or something so my dad could tell him off but of course he knew how to present himself as the best human male in the world.

His eye did twitch despite his smile when I opened the door late in my pajamas stained with Kool aid, my black hair mused up and my eyes more red and puffy than hazel from staring at the TV in the dark for so long.

"You look like hell." Hale said through his teeth.

"Um..." I said, taking the roses, "come in"

Luckily, Dad had cleared up our mess and the house looked decent enough.

The instant Hale walked into the living room, Moo arched her back with a feral hiss.

"Whoa! Get that blasted animal out of here" Hale said, stepping back and using me as a human shield.

"This is her territory, you know" Dad said, stepping out of the dark kitchen where no doubt he'd dumped all our trash.

"Mr. Adams" Hale said, letting go of my shoulders. I went to Moo who relaxed when I came over to pick her up. "Good evening, Sir. I came to pick Violet up for the ball tonight."

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