Chapter Twenty-two: Wanted: A Python.

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Chapter Twenty-two: Wanted: A Python.

"I can't find Buttercup!" Paul called as he shoved the door open, startling me badly.

Angelo let out a curse and I slipped my hand out of his so I could turn to face the intruder who was searching around the room for his lost thing.

"Get out of this room or you'll go missing too." Angelo warned.

Paul stood up from searching under the table, he was a tall, gangly guy and his puberty process was taking no prisoners, at all. Poor kid.
"But she could be in here somewhere!"

"Who's she?" I asked, standing up.

"Don't pay him attention." Angelo sighed and I sent him a dry look over my shoulder before facing Paul again.

"Buttercup's my pet, she escaped her cage this evening and Mama must never find out she's missing. Or I'll be..." Paul gulped, his prominent adam's apple bobbing. " know."

I wondered what Tia Monica was like when mad and decided I didn't want to know.
"Maybe I can help?" I asked. "You didn't tell me what kind of pet she is though."

"She's a harmless python..."

"What?!" I shrieked and I suddenly found myself standing on the bed, trying to stay as far away from the floor as possible. "And she's on the loose?! She could be anywhere!"

"I'm sorry," Paul pleaded, still looking around and lifting things in search of the snake. "I just need to find her before Camilo discovers that I've..."

"Lost Buttercup?" A sly voice asked from the doorway and our heads whipped to Camilo who looked very proud of his new found information. "Too late, hermano."

"Ay, Santa Cecilia," Paul groaned, running a hand down his face before turning desperate, pleading eyes on me. "Help me."

"Are you serious? It's a python" I whispered the last word and Camilo snickered.

"Don't worry, hermosa, I'll protect you." He grinned.

"Don't call her hermosa." Angelo said, I looked down to see him working on his laptop.

"Fine," I agreed and sat myself on the bed with a big sigh, "If you don't find your snake tonight, I may or may not help you look tomorrow."

Paul grinned showing off all his braces, "Thanks so much Violet, you're so pretty...I mean cool. You're pretty cool! That's what I was trying to say..."

"Um... thank you." I cut in, trying to wrap this up, but he kept going.

"'s not like I mean you're pretty, which obviously you are, but I don't think you're pretty because well I don't have the guts to...ow! Camilo!" His brother had grabbed him by the back of his shirt and was now pulling him out of the room.

"Trust me, bro, it's for your own good." Camilo sighed, sending us a peace sign before shutting the door.

I chuckled and flopped backwards into the pillow next to Angelo who was still working on his laptop.

"Still want to kidnap them?" He asked.

I shrugged and turned on my side, facing him. "Maybe. What are you working on?"

He tilted the laptop to face me and I rolled my eyes.

"Sleep," he said and reached down to ruffle my hair. "We have school."

"You're one to talk" I murmured, but quickly fell into sleep with him stroking my hair.


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