Chapter Ten: What if it was Me?

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Chapter Ten: What if it was Me?

"You should stay away from my cousin" Hale adviced, pulling me away from Susan and Angelo to talk quietly.

"What?" I asked.

"He's dangerous" Hale continued. "Especially for girls like you. I won't say any more than that, Violet"

I looked over my shoulder to see Angelo dangerously eating kebab.
"He's your cousin"

"That's exactly why I know him more than you. I'm trying to protect you, babe" Hale said, reaching out to brush some of my hair behind my ear.
I recoiled immediately, despite how hard I tried not to.
Hale's face darkened and I was instantly reminded that he was the one I was meant to stay away from.

"Mr. Frances" A man said, coming over to shake hands with Hale, saving me in the process. "I'm Jim from The Recents Magazine, would you like to say a few words about Feather Co. opening in Paris very soon?"

The reporter whisked Hale away and I was left by myself, fidgeting with Angelo's thumb ring and wondering if anyone would notice if I took my shoes off and walked around barefoot.

"So you decided to wear my color, huh?" Angelo's voice asked behind me and I turned around to face him, automatically placing my hand in his since he was holding it out for mine.



"Oh. I didn't mean to wear it, I added little bit more weight over the week so it was the only one that fit and..."

Angelo looked down at my hand he was holding and when I realized I was trembling I yanked it out of his grip.

"Come on" he said and led the way through the people in this party. I didn't hesitate to follow him.

"I'll be here!" Susan called from the food table as we hurried past.

Even outside on the front lawn, people dotted everywhere but we found a nice spot near a bench where the light wasn't so strong.


"Why did you bring me here?"

"Would you have preferred we go upstairs? That would drag a lot of attention."

I looked around, expecting someone to pop out any moment with big cameras and flashing lights.

"If you won't sit, I will." Angelo said and perched on the bench arm. "So, what's wrong with you?"

Sighing, I stared down at him or rather the him I could see with the lights so dim. His clothes were so dark he could have blended with the shadows but his gold hair was a stark contrast.

"I don't know." I shook my head.

"You were trembling," he took my hand and gently tugged me closer so I was standing between his legs. "Still are"

"I didn't realize," I croaked and cleared my throat. "Sorry."

He scoffed and stood up without giving me time to step back enough so we ended up standing super close. "You apologized for everything, even putting on black and gaining weight..."


"Does he make you do that?"

I looked away from his intense eyes.
"He doesn't, Hale has a type like everyone does."

"You're defending him again?" Angelo asked, annoyance starting to creep into his voice.

Please don't hurt me.

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