Chapter Forty-five: The Cat That Got Out The Bag.

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Chapter Forty-five: The Cat That Got Out The Bag.

So my plan to get in Cassandra's head was on hold which was good news too because it meant I didn't have to deal with her and her cronies today.
They weren't so bad but they were still a handful.

Now I was just trying to update my best friends on the latest happenings in my life, you know, like the fact that I just bagged my second boyfriend ever, but I still couldn't reach Susan, and Annie had huge, spicy family drama going on at the moment.

"So Aunt Shanda still went to your dad's office after basically sleeping with two of your uncle's?!" I gasped as I tossed "old" clothes into a trash bag.

"For money too! And keep in mind that Uncle Bernard barely drops presents at Christmas and my other Uncle, Ray-ray invited everyone to his 'birthday party' which turned out to be a plot to make us all clean his raggedy house!"


"I know. If this doesn't convince my mom to keep Abbie away from our crazy extended family, I don't know what does." Annie sighed through the phone and Violet could hear the noise of argument in the distance.
"The worst part, my grandma keeps supplying them snacks, doesn't she know they'll keep this up forever if she keeps feeding them?"

I hauled the full trash bag over my shoulder and held my phone in my free hand to go down the stairs. "I'm sure she loves the company! Isn't this the first time everyone's meeting together in some years?"

"I guess..." She trailed off for a while before asking, "What's with the huffing and puffing? You sound like you're trying to blow a house down."

"I'm packing up all the clothes Hale ever got me and sending them off to a thrift store." I said, panting and dropping the bag next to two others. "Damn, he really did get me a lot of clothes. And I just noticed they're kinda all in the same style."

"Oh goshhh, I wish I were there for this!" Annie groaned, "we could have burned some together!"

"So dramatic." I laughed.

"It's in the blood, apparently." Annie sighed. "You know my aunties make fun of me now? For dating Jason. Especially since they know about the 6th grade fiasco.... anddddd because he's white."

I rolled my eyes. "Oh please, they're just jealous that you're basically one of the few people in your family who have their life together and can keep a man. How many times has Aunt Shanda been married again?"


"See what I me- Wait, did you just say 'frice'?"

"Yeah; four times." Annie chuckled and I laughed so hard I had to sit on the stairs.

"Just because you have a social life and I don't doesn't mean you have to make it my problem!" Dad called from the living room.

"Jealous!" I called back before turning back to my phone. "Honestly, I'm going to ask Mom to take him on a date or something."

"Tell me how it goes." Annie replied.

"Oh yeah, speaking of dates..."

A loud noise came from the other end of the line which seemed like someone banging on a nearby door.
"I know you in there Mary-Anne, you ain't escaping this!"

"Lord have mercy." Annie murmured.

"Come on out or we finna go through all your baby pictures again!"

"I don't care!" Annie screamed back so loud I had to hold my phone away from my ear. "Anything's better than watching y'all diss my man! And right in my face too!"

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