Chapter 1

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It was a new beginning of our 9th class,to make it more clear a fresh start to a a new journey not only with academics but with a new journey of my fresh love story or more to say biggest scar of my life.  I guess it happened for real reasons, I mean i was quite a young girl having family trauma and things which already did great damage to my peace ,so finding a love was the biggest achievement for me not knowing the certainty of it .

I entered the class and boom all new faces staring at me like I'm an alien well no ways I'm here to study .
So talking about me
I was shifted in this town in standard 6th not natively from this state but because my mother got a job to we have to shift . She is a single mother managing me from the day I was born she's been awesome in mothering me yeah she is . I know what my paternal house sounds like I mean they were all mixture of anger , aggressive behaviour and all so I just love her descion to part her ways with my so called father who didn't even bother about me .
Well that's still good I'm happy with my littlest family . We shifted here for good causes like see it's the work of destiny it takes us to places , peoples , adventures and emotions and I've never blamed my destiny for it's descion for me .
From 6th to standard 8th I was in a different school . I made the best of memories there the best of friends more like a family to me .
I don't have a brother every time I wish I could have a brother who could protect me and really be possessive for me I mean who doesn't want that .
So I made some fantastic brothers of mine three of them are still the best part of my journey .
Talking about our literal gang we were seven people
Me,Kavya,diya,deepti,dhairya,Davik and Basu . I was first a very shy girl new to everything in 6th standard but I made  the most amazing friends in 7th standard these friends really stayed with me we don't talk everyday now but there is the same connection I feel with this group of mine . Apart from this group I had one more friend of mine she lives near my house . Disha one of the bestest descion of my life to make her my soul sister . She really adores me but never show it it's ok I know .
Now coming back to my first day all these memories really brought a tear down my cheeks I knew none here I was so lonely.  I don't know I miss every person to exist in my life it's funny I cried for my mom the way a nursery student would . I don't mind how much I grow up I would always cry for her warmth .
I look up and to make it clear I used to wear a mask fresh opening of lockdown so yeah my introvert self felt a little relief with the mask thing .
I was so anxious that I didn't even look at anyone else and asked one of the girl to shift her bag so that I could sit . Damn I was shivering like anything and my social fear wasn't wrong because her answer was " No, I can't move my bag I've reserved it for my friend ." That was enough to shatter my young soul well that's just a beginning of the biggest part of my life .
So yeah we were in grade 9th students in my class were mostly into sports or really good in studies especially science and math.  It's okay as I never had any good thing associated with these two subjects but thank god the teachers  were brilliant except the english miss . She was just so brilliant that she can't even communicate in hindi . Well I never had a good bond with her for obvious reason I belong to a family of literature people . The first day of my new school was just a normal nightmare of mine coming true . I mean look everyone judging me for sure because this terrifying lockdown made me so chubby and every girl around me was like having a literal zero figure waist mine was just a waste . But remembering those days I was into many bands and dreamt of a body not just body a ideal body type too . That was not my fault that's what society fed everyone I tried my best to fit into an ideal body type that I even left eating sweets and chocaltes for one year . Now I remember and laugh how stupid I was( I'm still ). What I feel now is no one has any right to comment on my body or my self I'm the only one who is there to give myself a shout out . Actually Ima give shout out to every girl reading this just love every inch every scar of your body you matter alot .

Coming back to my first day I didn't make any friend no one was interested in making a dumbo with a black mask her friend . I get it even I wouldn't.  But then I got to know what actually lonlieness means what is the actual reason of having anxiety and what miseries people go through that they never open up on . The world is a cruel place and to take care of your soul is really important here . I'm just a girl lonely in this world are right words to describe my feeling I know a bit dramatic but that's real feeling of any teenager . I was sobbing every minute in this new class of mine . Finally tiffin time. I saw around every single person was sitting with there best friends but I didn't have anyone here . So I decided I dont wanna eat anything bad idea but that was quite decisive of me .
The next period boring lecture yet teacher was good in explaining it . She knew I was a new kid here so she suppoetively said "Class,here say hello to Prisha ( well Peisha meant God's gift in hindi unique right !) . I was so freaking inside that I stood nd just stared at her . She was supportive and said it's okay calm down and introduce.  After the perfect nightmare scene the bell rang and we all ran towards our buses and now another scam with me where is my damn seat I adjusted myself and this day ended .

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