Chapter 46

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Jungkook found Jin first, the alpha was in the kitchen preparing some small snacks for their journey. Quietly sneaking up behind him, Jungkook wrapped his arms around the alpha and rested his cheek on the larger wolf's back.

"Hey little prince, are you ready to go?"

Jungkook nodded his head yes and then hesitated. "Can we talk for a minute, I don't want to bother you too much, only if it's ok."

Jin shifted to turn around so he could wrap his arms around the omega who was now in front of him. "Of course, little one, what do you want to talk about?"

"Well," Jungkook knew what he wanted to say but now that he was here it suddenly felt much harder. "I just, I guess I just..."

Jin gave him a warm smile of encouragement. "You can tell me anything Kookie, really, just go ahead."

"Well, I wanted to thank you for finding me. And for helping me when I first transitioned. It was kind of scary but being with you, it was comforting. And for helping me with my heat. And visiting me when the council had taken me away. I know it was a lot of work for you but I really appreciated it."

"Of course sweetheart, you know I'd do anything for you."

"I also wanted to tell you that, well, that I love you." Jungkook's cheeks went red as he said it. Even though the feeling came easy, saying it out loud somehow seemed so hard.

"I love you too, my sweet little wolf. Very very much." Jin pulled the omega close and was rubbing his back calming him from what he knew was a big confession.

"I was wondering if maybe I could, um, maybe...give you a kiss?"

Jin almost vibrated in joy. Their sweet precious omega wanted to give him a kiss, he for one most certainly wasn't going to say no.

"Of course, little one." Jin offered the omega another warm and comforting smile and looked down into his sparkling eyes.

Slowly Jungkook shifted onto his tiptoes, just lightly brushing the alpha's lips with his own, bringing a strong tingling sensation to both of them. After one more gentle brush of his lips against the alpha's, Jin decided to help the omega out, reaching further down to draw his lips closer, gently caressing the omega's bottom lip between his own. The alpha hummed in contentment as he pulled away from the omega, once again crushing the boy against his chest.

"Thank you for sharing that with me. You truly are the most special omega and I hope that one day you realize how much we really truly adore you."

Jungkook once again blushed shyly before starting to wiggle out of Jin's hold. "Thank you alpha, I'm sorry to leave you but I have a few more things I need to do to get ready."

Jin gently patted the omega on the bottom with one final encouraging smile as the omega went to find another alpha he wanted to talk to.

Taehyung was in the greenhouse, wanting to do a few last chores to help the aunt out before they left and she'd need to manage the entire garden herself.

"Hey Alpha" Jungkook called as he entered the warm enclosure.

"Hey baby boy, are you ready to leave?"

"Mmm, yes and no. It's been very peaceful here but I also know it's time to go. How about you?"

Taehyung held the omega's hand and pulled him closer. "I feel exactly the same way."

"Alpha?" Jungkook asked, "can I tell you something?"

"Of course! What could be so important to find me all the way out here in the greenhouse?"

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