Chapter 38

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"I expect you've been traveling for a while now. I imagine you'd enjoy a nice cold drink?" The woman called to the pack mates that were following her inside. Taehyung, Jin, Jimin, and Yoongi followed closely behind while Hobi held back with Namjoon and Jungkook for a bit. The head alpha had returned to his human form and was once again holding the omega in his arms, encouraging him to relax and rest his head on the alpha's shoulder which the boy was happy to do.

"What do you think?" Hobi asked Namjoon. It felt a bit risky to accept this stranger's welcome. There was something about her that felt more powerful than a regular wolf but it was hard to put his finger on exactly what.

"I don't know what to think. But there are six of us and it seems like only one of her so I think we'll be safe enough. Under any circumstances it would probably be best if you stay by our omega just in case anything goes wrong."

After shifting the boy to Hobi's arms the three remaining wolves followed the pack through the door to the home.

"I've met your pack mates now, why don't you introduce yourselves too." The old woman asked as she motioned the remaining wolves to join them in the kitchen.

"I'm Namjoon, I'm the pack's head alpha and this is Hobi with Jungkook. I apologize but our omega is recovering from a difficult situation so he needs a lot of rest right now."

Jungkook hadn't even moved to look at the lady or their new surroundings, preferring the comfort of Hobi's arms around him and the safety of burying his face in the alpha's neck.

"I understand. Based on how he clings to you I wondered if he was newly mated but from what I can see of his marks that doesn't seem to be the case."

"We've been mated for a bit now" was all Namjoon said in response, not prepared to give any other information yet.

"You said you were waiting for us. How did you know we would come here?"

"Someone who wanted you to come here told me," was all the woman said in return.

"Then do you know who we are?" Namjoon didn't want to offer that they were the supreme pack if she didn't know. Their reputation was a bit dicey among wolves at the moment. But if she already knew it would make things a bit easier.

"Yes of course I do." The old woman confirmed.

"What is this place? I mean where are we?" Namjoon was looking around the house. Over the last few days he'd largely lost track even of what direction they were heading so he had no idea where they were at this point, whether they were even on pack lands.

"This is a place that will offer you respite. You already know you cannot stay here forever, but it will be a place of peace and safety while you need it. You will know when it is time to leave."

Namjoon raised an eyebrow at the response but accepted it at face value. Clearly the old woman was unlikely to tell them anything more specific. In the meantime she seemed to offer no threat. Quite the contrary as far as he could tell.

"We insist on paying for our time here. It's only right." Yoongi now interrupted. If this place really was safe they would want to stay here as long as it took to create a new plan. Offering to pay might extend their welcome.

"I cannot accept your money, however I'd be happy to let you help with small chores around the house. And I'm afraid I might not have enough groceries for such a crowd. I won't stop you from paying for some additional food."

Yoongi quickly agreed on behalf of the pack while Jimin offered to sit with the woman later to work out the logistics of their time together.

"In the meantime let me show you the house. It is modest but I expect it should more than meet your needs."

The woman noted that her bedroom was on the main floor, along with the kitchen, dining room and living room. Upstairs they would find two more bedrooms and a bath. The bedrooms had very little furniture, just soft mats to lay out to sleep along with piles of blankets in the corners.

"This will be perfect for us." Taehyung thanked the lady, bowing in appreciation. "While we are staying here, what should we call you?"

"You can call my 'aunt'." The woman smiled softly. "Do let me know if you need anything at all. I'm glad you made it here safely."

As soon as the woman left to go back downstairs the pack got to work creating a soft space for their omega, laying all of the mats out and covering them with soft blankets. Someone would stay with him all the time but they expected he'd be exhausted from both the travel and the stress of the last months.

Jungkook allowed Hobi to lay him down in their temporary den but refused to let go until Yoongi had slid onto the mattress in front of him, drawing the omega close in his arms.

"We're safe now baby. Let's get some rest. I'll stay right here next to you while everyone else gets things settled ok?"

The omega was clutching Yoongi's shirt in tight fists while the alpha softly rubbed his back. "I'm not going anywhere. I promise when you wake up I'm still going to be right here ok? I know you haven't been sleeping well while we were traveling."

Slowly the omega began to drift to sleep, eventually starting to release the fingers clutching the alpha's shirt. Yoongi took a quick nap but woke up shortly afterward, content to just watch the small boy in his arms sleep peacefully.

The alphas had been reluctant to scent the omega, afraid of upsetting him but it was becoming increasingly difficult to hold back. Yoongi was careful in his approach, not wanting to wake up their pup, but there was an underlying need to re-establish the omega's bond to their pack. Scenting would be the quickest way to settle all of the alpha's nerves.

Yoongi was gently kissing along the scent gland when he felt Jungkook stir and eventually shift around as he woke.

"Are you ok baby? I didn't mean to wake you. I was hoping to help you relax." Yoongi was whispering while still softly brushing the scent glands with his lips.

"Are you..." There was a long silence while Yoongi waited for the omega to finish his thought.

"Are you...claiming me?"

Yoongi nuzzled closer. "Yes little lamb, yes I am. Does that bother you?"

Jungkook quickly shook his head as tears began to form. "No, I want that. I want you to claim me. Do you still want to do that?"

Under normal circumstances Yoongi would have preened under his omegas request to claim him, to scent him until everyone was certain he belonged to their pack. But this felt like a desperate plea full of anxiety and uncertainty. Still, they both wanted the same thing so he wasn't going to refuse the poor omega.

"Yes sweet boy. Can you relax while I scent you? I can take care of everything if you just lay back and close your eyes."

As soon as the omega was relaxed Yoongi resumed his efforts, overjoyed that the scenting process seemed to bring them both such comfort. Jungkook periodically let us out small grunts of satisfaction throughout the process, eventually drifting off into a deep and truly restful sleep.

Yoongi offered one last kiss to his scent gland. "Sleep well little one. I'll be here when you wake and I promise we will never leave you again."

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