Chapter 12

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It was a fitful night, barely anyone had gotten any sleep. It was the first time all of them slept in the den together, what should have been a celebratory moment, but they were weighed down by the pain and discomfort of their omega. The alphas agreed to take turns keeping watch over the omega, rubbing cold towels over him to keep him comfortable. By morning it seemed there was no need for a special schedule, only a few of the alphas dozed for even a short nap, the rest silently crowded around the omega trying to keep him as comfortable as possible, watching for any signs of difficulty.

As morning came they were exhausted and knew they had two more marks that still had to be made.

Yoongi looked particularly haggard, burdened by the agony of knowing he had to inflict more pain on their precious mate. Suddenly he sat up and looked at Namjoon, determination in his eyes. "I'm not doing it. I refuse. What is the worst that they can do to me? I just, I can't do it to him. Look at him Joon, it's just not right."

Namjoon felt the same overwhelming crush in his own spirit. "Yoongs, I know. I know it's terrible and I'm so sorry. I need to tell you that I received a text from the council during the night, the previous supreme pack is no more. We have to do this now and present ourselves. We can buy time until the afternoon but peace is at risk here. Just like our omega is being strong for us right now we need to be strong for him. But I was thinking, what if you and I marked him at the same time."

Yoongi drew back and looked horrified. "But that would be so painful for him."

"I know, I know, but it would give him a bit more time to recover and possibly move past more of the false heat. It's going to be terrible anyway, isn't it better to just get it over all at once?"

Yoongi had to acknowledge that Namjoon had a point. They both had the same goal, they wanted to minimize the omega's suffering. Doing it at the same time would have some benefits. Then they'd be done, finished, they wouldn't have to anticipate watching him suffer again and he could be assured that he was finished.

"Ok, let's do it."

They wanted to wait as long as possible but as Jin politely reminded them, they couldn't exactly bring Jungkook to meet the council in his boxer shorts. And he really should try to take a bath before they presented themselves.

With that in mind Yoongi and Namjoon approached their omega together a bit before noon. "Our dearest, sweetest omega, it's time to do the last marks. I know this won't be pleasant but then we'll be done. We'll be bonded as a pack and we'll never have to do this again. We can move on to experiencing all the joy that comes from being in a pack. Are you ready for that?"

Jungkook weakly opened his eyes and nodded yes. "You are such a strong omega, so good for us. We'll try to be quick and as gentle as possible."

Both alphas began scenting him at once, quickly spiraling him into a fully relaxed state. With a final look between Namjoon and Yoongi they both leaned forward and bit at the same time, breaking the sensitive skin.

Jungkook sucked in a deep breath as his whole body spasmed, eyes flung wide open. As soon as the bites had settled they pulled away, moving to caress their omega's face and hair. "We're all done, it's totally over. Now we can just focus on your recovery. We promise no more, ok?"

Jungkook eventually settled, tears once again streaming down his face as he hiccuped at the agony.

The pack quickly returned to gently wiping him with cool towels while Jin went to run a bath. Jimin selected some clothes for the omega that would minimize rubbing on his tender wounds and keep him as cool as possible. As soon as everything was collected they brought Jungkook to the chilled bath hoping to rapidly bring down his fever and get him clean at the same time.

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