Chapter 21

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Everyone remained in the living room together for the next hour. Taehyung and Jungkook cocooned together as the omega scented the alpha while the remainder relaxed quietly nearby, comforted both by the scent that was blooming and the sight of their omega relaxed in an alpha's arms.

Jungkook was feeling increasingly content, the alpha's hands on his hips firmly holding him in place or rubbing up and down his back inviting him to lean in closer. Taehyung moved only to make his scent glands more accessible to the omega, afraid to break the trance their little mate had fallen into. After such a stressful event everyone needed the comfort of the quiet moment together.

Eventually the omega's scenting of the alpha slowed and then finally stopped as he moved to rest his head on Taehyung's shoulder.

"Would you like to take a little nap? I know it's been an emotional day."

Jungkook shook his head no, he'd had a long nap already today and while he was relaxed and cozy, he really didn't feel sleepy.

"Then why don't we take a walk in the garden? I'll show you where I've planted some of my favorite fruits and vegetables?"

Jungkook willingly agreed and before long he and Taehyung were slipping out the back door, hand in hand.

"Have you ever had a garden?" Taehyung asked, wanting to learn more about his final mate.

"No, we lived in a small apartment in a big city. It didn't even have a balcony so there was no way to grow anything. It didn't even have much sunlight. I think my parents always wanted to grow things on their own, but it wasn't an option."

"I see," Taehyung continued to pull them deeper into the property along a well maintained stone path. "Yes, I think for many wolves it is instinctual to want to grow things, it's a way to maintain their connection with the land and with nature. My parents were farmers growing up so I learned a lot about growing things from them."

Jungkook's eyes went wide when he realized he'd really only started to see the property from the pool and the back of the house. There were trees that surrounded the house just past the immediate yard, but beyond the treeline were additional fields and an incredible growing area filled with fruit trees, bushes, and a huge fenced in garden.

"How do you have time to take care of all of this?" Jungkook whispered out, shocked by how expansive the land was. It felt bigger than one of the parks in the city he grew up in, the kind of park that filled a whole block.

"I like coming out here every day. Seeing things growing reminds me of my home, or at least my home when I was a kid. There are some times of year that are very busy, like when we are planting. Most of the time the plants take care of themselves. Sometimes others in the pack come and help me harvest or our chef will come out and pick some fresh items to include in our meals. Even though I make sure our garden keeps going, everyone in our pack helps maintain it."

"Do you think...maybe...I could too? I don't really know anything about this kind of thing, but maybe you could teach me?"

"I'd love to. We can start today if you want."

Taehyung tugged him over to a small greenhouse where they collected one small and one larger basket to carry anything they collected.

"Do you think we could find some strawberries?" Jungkook asked, his excitement growing.

"I'd love that too pup, but it isn't really the right season for fresh strawberries. I think instead we should pick some apples."

"Season?" Jungkook gave a confused look in response.

Taehyung was surprised, it seemed Jungkook really had no knowledge or experience about how things grew. It was very unusual for a wolf. At the same time he was happy to discover something they could bond over together as he taught the omega another way to connect with his ancestors and his wolf roots.

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