Chapter 23

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Namjoon knew that he had a few more mates that were still hoping to spend time with Jungkook today. While he'd be happy to hold onto him forever it was time to bring him back to the rest of the pack.

Jin had been waiting relatively impatiently to spend more time with the sweet omega he had found only a few weeks earlier.  Knowing the pup had been busy all day he expected Jungkook would likely be tired by now. Between his first shift and his six mating bonds still forming, their mate would probably take regular naps for at least the next few months. He'd had a pretty busy day today so exhaustion was likely setting in.

When Namjoon first carried the boy into the living room Jin was nearly certain he was already asleep, his cheek pressed against the head alpha's shoulder and eyes shut closed.

As soon as Jin ran his fingers through Jungkook's hair his eyes began to slowly open and he hummed in contentment.

"Do you want to take a nap little one?" Jin asked while soothingly rubbing his back.

"Mmm, not sleepy." The boy mumbled out, clearly not convincing anyone.

"Really?" Jin was trying to control his laughing.

When Jungkook didn't respond Jin took the omega from Namjoon's arms. "Maybe we can watch some TV, how does that sound?"

"Yeah, that sounds good." Jungkook slurred in return.

Jin settled on the floor in front of the couch, the omega between his legs learning back against his chest. He knew Jungkook hadn't really seen much television so there was no point in asking what he wanted to watch. Jin just picked something he thought would have a gentle plot to encourage the boy to drift off.

The show had barely begun when the omega began to doze. Between the warmth of the alpha and the soft blankets he simply couldn't hold back. He knew he was tired but he always looked forward to spending time with Jin. He was so handsome and really had been his savior when he first shifted into his wolf form. Willing himself to stay awake was a losing battle, he just hoped Jin might not notice.

Of course the alpha picked up on his omega's nap almost immediately. He gently played with Jungkook's hair, allowing his fingers to slip from his hair down his neck in soothing strokes ending on his scent gland. A good nap would serve the omega well so they could enjoy dinner together with the whole pack.

After a refreshing sleep Jungkook eventually woke up. Realizing they hadn't moved since he and Jin first started watching the television Jungkook convinced himself that maybe, just maybe, Jin hadn't noticed that he drifted off. If he played it cool he could pretend he was awake the whole time.

As the show ended Jin squeezed the omega tight. "Did you like the show?"

"Yes, in particular I like the, um, the middle."

Jin chuckled to himself but trying to avoid any embarrassment moved the conversation along. "I liked that part too," he whispered in the pup's ear.

Carefully he picked up the omega and shifted him so he was facing toward him, encouraging him to snuggle tight against his chest while he rubbed his hands up and down on his back. "I heard that you learned several of our mate's stories today. Did you enjoy that?"

Jungkook eagerly nodded yes and then sat back to pout a bit. "But I hadn't heard yours yet."

"Ok pup, I'll tell you now but I want to hold you close at the same time. Can I do that?"

Freshly woken from his nap Jungkook really didn't have the energy to do much but agree, happily collapsing back onto the alpha and possibly nudging his scent gland while he was at it.

"Well, I grew up with one older brother in a very large pack not far from here. My parents were wealthy and my family was relatively influential in the wolf community. Do you remember when we went to see the elder council?"

Jungkook vaguely remembered this but only little snips through his haze. "A little".

"I know it was a difficult time for you so that makes sense. Well my grandfather was part of the council representing my pack, the moonstone pack. Nearly everyone looked up to him in my pack. He was wise and kind. Children were drawn to him. I loved spending time with him learning about wolf history and pack working."

"When I was about ten my grandfather passed away. It was very difficult for our family but particularly for me since I was so close to my grandfather. While I was mourning and too young to really understand better, several of my uncles were fighting to take over his spot on the elder council. They fought viciously over the influential seat, at the end of the day their fighting ended up tearing the family apart. I didn't really understand it at the time but I knew my family was never the same afterward."

"When I first shifted my family was so proud of me knowing I was blessed to be a supreme alpha. I wished my grandfather had been around but instead it was my uncle who had taken his seat that greeted me when I went to the elder council to be formally added to the pack. I joined after Namjoon, Yoongi, and Hobi, but before Taehyung and Jimin."

"By then I'd learned everything my uncle had done to our family in order to get his council seat so I was kind of wary of him. He, however, acted like we were old friends, trying to get me to pledge some kind of special allegiance to him, asking me to tell him all of the secret inner workings of the supreme pack and private information about my mates. He told me it was to help my pack but even then I knew he was just trying to consolidate his power."

"I hated being part of the pack those first few years because I felt I couldn't really stand up to my uncle but I also had to protect our pack. I had all these expectations on me and I wasn't sure how to deal with it. Maybe someone as brilliant as Namjoon would have figured out how to deal with it but I was just drowning under the weight of all of the pressure."

"But you're so smart and...perfect..." Jungkook couldn't help but interrupt.

Jin huffed in laughter. "I'm glad you think so my sweet omega, but I think you will discover I am far from perfect."

"Anyway, as time went on eventually I got used to it. Part of that was learning to lean on the pack more when we went to see the council. I stayed hidden in the background and rarely spoke. It was just better that way."

"For a while my uncle told everyone I was weak and embarrassing the family because I wasn't as brash as he wanted me to be as a supreme alpha. But at the end of the day his opinion really didn't matter did it? What mattered was fulfilling my responsibility to this pack and the wolf community at large."

"Wow, that must have been hard." Jungkook looked at his handsome alpha with his eyes wide.

"It was but not nearly as hard as it was waiting for you. We searched everywhere for so long."

"Wait, you spent time looking for me?" Jungkook drew back in surprise.

"My sweet pup, you have no idea. We looked for you for years. It is almost the only thing we did for the last two or three years. That's why I was so excited to find you."

"I...I had no idea. I'm sorry you had to do that. I'm sorry I didn't make it easier for you." Jungkook's eyes were cast down as a feeling of guilt set in.

"Omega, you listen to your alpha and listen well. Don't ever feel bad about that. Not even for a minute. It was our job to find you and the most precious treasure is always the hardest to find. It was just meant to be this way."

Jungkook melted a bit into the alpha's hold, burying his face in Jin's shoulder. "Is your uncle still on the council?"

Jin sighed, "Unfortunately yes. I'm sure you will meet him soon enough. He isn't the head elder, but he does have a lot of influence and sway so we do need to be a bit careful."

"You just tell me what to do ok? I don't want to do the wrong thing." Jin melted when he saw the pleading look in the omega's eyes.

"Don't worry pup, we're never going to let anyone bother you again. You are our omega and just like the pack protected me we will protect you, but even more so. In the meantime you can rest well knowing you have six alphas here to take care of you."

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