Chapter 18

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"So, what's the game plan?", Levi asks me as we're both sitting in the relaxation room of the APOLLO garage, feasting on some tacos. Yeah, you heard me right. Relaxation room. Because apparently, if you place one table, four chairs, one couch and a TV in a room, it's a relaxation room.

I look up at him, my cheeks pink from blushing.

"Oh fuck", he figures it out. "You have no plan."

I shake my head, proving him he's right.

"Then what the heck were you thinking?!", he doesn't give up.

"I don't know...", I let out. "I mean, I knew I wanted to help."

"Does Lewis know about this?", he asks me.

I shake my head.

A devious grin grows on his lips. "This is getting more interesting by the minute."

"Will you please shut up and help me out here?", I cut him short.

He winks at me. "I'm the one who got you into the Paddock Club. Plus, the one who stopped your tummy from aching by buying you tacos. Trust me, I did more than help you out here, blondie."

"Why do you keep calling me that?", I ask him, partly annoyed.

He shrugs. "Cause it's fun."

"It's not.

"You love it."

"I don't."

"But you do..."

"Shut up", I end this.

He can't help but chuckle. "What if you just make a video?", he decides to be helpful again. "You know. Flash one of your smiles, film around the paddock, then a bit of the race and the podium. You could also take a bunch of pictures and post those too."

"People won't care if it's just me in the video. I need some F1 people too", I think out loud. An idea pops into my head. "Levi...", I begin, trying to make my voice sound as innocent as possible.

"You want me to appear in your video, don't you?", he asks me, already figuring it out.

"Would you?", I ask him, trying not to get my hopes too up high.

He seems to think a bit about it, then shrugs. "Fine, screw it. I'll appear in your video." I am so close to starting to thank him, as he stands up and looks at me mischievously. "On one condition though."

"If you say that I need to fuck you tonight, I'll kick you in the ass", I stop him.

Levi's smirk brightens even more. "Geeze, blondie. As attractive as I would find you, you're not my girl."

"Cause I'm not your type?", I ask him teasingly.

He is still serious as he replies. "Cause you're not my girl."

"Fair enough. As long as I won't have to sleep with you, you can say anything", I bring him back to the original topic.

Levi walks to one of the nearby rooms and comes back with a plastic bag, a black jacket inside.

"What's this?", I ask him curiously. He throws the bag to me and makes me a sign to open it.

"As cool as you think your little outfit is, it misses this", he says.

I look offended at my outfit. I really gave my best. A short dark blue dress, a pair of black boots, a black bow styling my hair and my lucky necklaces. Nevertheless, I open the bag and take the jacket out of it. As I take a better look at it, I see the APOLLO logo on the back. Together with Levi's 83.

"You're making me wear your number?", I ask him, slightly annoyed.

"Better mine than Gruff's. Now, can I get a Thank you, Levi?"

"Thank you, Levi", I say, in the most bored voice ever.

He sends me an air kiss as he sees me put the jacket on and leads me out the room. "Now let's get those followers back."

Stopping a chuckle, I stand up and follow him outside.

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