Chapter 8

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"Aria, to the right. To the right please", the photographer tells me. I know I said I'm giving up on modelling, but who can turn down Dior?

It's not even in work time. Lewis told me I can get free today at two o'clock, since I finished my entire work for today yesterday. I didn't tell him where I am going today, but he agreed to let me take sooner free if I would be careful with my work.

Which I was.

"It's lovely to have you here, Aria", one of the designers of the collections comes tell me. Carola is the one I usually work with at the photoshoots. "We weren't sure you'd say yes. We heard your schedule got busier."

"I'll always make time for Dior", I reply them with a wink. However, I didn't mean it as any joke. Dior is my favorite fashion house. Of course, I also make collaborations with Chanel or Saint Laurent, but something about Dior makes me like it in particular.

Hence why half of my closet is from them.

"I am so glad to hear that", Carola replies. "This collection wouldn't be the same without you. We'd love to have you model it on the runway for us."

I smile, yet there's a nod building up in my throat. "I'll have to check with my boss first. I'm not sure I'll have the time." Carola's smile fades, so I quickly add something to calm her down. "But I am sure he will agree. Besides, if he doesn't, I'll sneak out just to be able to come to you."
Her smile is back on her lips, and after hugging me once thanking me, she goes talk to the other designers. The photographer tells me I'm free now and calls me next to him so I can look over the photos. As I nod accepting, they declare the photoshoot over, and I am allowed to go home. They even let me keep one item of my choice from the different outfits, and I obviously have to go with the beautiful white cocktail dress that caught my attention from the beginning.

As I go in the changing room to get my bag and I open my phone to quickly take a selfie in the mirror for my story, I see that I have seven missed calls and even more text messages from Lewis.

Cursing the universe once, I put on a smile to take my photo, priorities first, then I press on call to see what he wants.

"The princess finally decides to answer her phone", he begins, his voice clearly showing that he's annoyed.

"I told you I was out today. You told me it would be fine", I counter, snatching my bag and even though I'm still in the white cocktail gown, I go wave goodbye at the designers and the photographer and quickly rush down the stairs of the studio.

I am rather surprised as I find a blue race car in front of the exit, with a waiting-Lewis on the driver's seat.

"What in the-", I let out, closing the call.

Lewis rolls down the window to the passenger's seat and looks at me surprised. "So that's where you were."

"Oh, Miss Grant, what a pleasure to see you. You look rather wonderful today", I try my best to mime his voice. "Oh, but thank you, Mister Cunnan. Glad you noticed. I feel rather wonderful today", I continue my monologue.

Lewis sighs exhausted and that's when I get it that I should best get inside the car. As soon as I close the car door, Lewis already speeds down the street, driving at speeds that should not be allowed.

"Do you always drive like you want to kill the person?", I ask him, partly as a joke, but partly to check how safe I am.

"I am the owner of a F1 company, Miss Grant. It comes naturally", he answers.

Okay. Safety not guaranteed.

"Where are we going?", I ask him, deciding to lean my head against the headboard.

He makes a turn, then replies. "I need you."

"I'm flattered", I tell him sarcastically.

He looks at me confused, yet I make no sign to give up. Lewis exhales annoyed, then, still not getting rid of his nerves, he asks me: "What would you like me to do? Get on one knee and beg?"

"That would be helpful", I joke.

I did not expect him to turn the car at 180 degrees and park in the first parking spot he sees, get out of the car and walk over to my side, where he opens the door for me to see and gets on one fucking knee. "Miss Grant, would you please come do the job I'm paying you for. I would highly appreciate it."

"Your actions were so nice before you started talking", I comment. However, since he just went on one knee for me... "But, yes. I'll help you. Even though today was my free afternoon."

"Marvellous", he hisses, then stands up and goes back to the driver's seat. He keeps driving as if nothing just happened.

"Where are we going?", I repeat my question. This time, I finally have an answer.

"I am supposed to hold a speech to the new social media team tomorrow. The first prix of the season starts in two weeks and the briefing and training of the influencers starts tomorrow. I have to explain them what APOLLO is, what we do and so on." He takes a deep breath, nervously tapping on the steering wheel. "I'd like to be prepared and know who our new influencers are, yet an urgent meeting just came and I have to attend. Which means, the briefing of the influencers is tomorrow morning and I have no time to look up information on them."

"So you want me to search them up?", I ask him confused.

He nods. "Search them up, write me some notes about them. You might know some of them. You were working in the same field after all."

"Wow", I let out.

Lewis turns to me surprised. I can't help but explain. "This is the first time you actually acknowledged me working in the field."

He sighs. "I know you are an influencer, Aria. I am not stupid. I looked you up the day you announced you were going to work for APOLLO."

A feeling of unease goes through me. "You looked me up?"

"I did. And I must say, you have quite the reputation."

Paris... "I do?"

Lewis lets out an amused chuckle. "Do you ever read your comments? People call you the new it girl. And as far as I am concerned, that says something."

We meanwhile arrive in front of his office, where he stops the car for me to get out. I force my legs to move as I step outside, turning to close the door behind me. I want to walk away but I can see Lewis rolling down the window once more.

"And Miss Grant...", he begins.

I make sure to meet his gaze as I look at him.

"You look rather wonderful today", he adds, then presses the pedal and the car rushes down the street.

I remain frozen on the sidewalk, not believing what I just heard. As my brain replays the sentence a few times in my head and processes the words, I let out a squeal and can't help but jump once from happiness.

Aria: 1, Lewis : 0

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