Holy World Changing Revelations, Batman!

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Beginning Notes:

A handful of notes here before the chapter starts!

Founding members of the Justice League in this universe are Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, Flash, Aquaman, Martian Manhunter, and Green Lantern (Hal Jordan)

Captain Marvel has been around for a while and Billy Batson is about 20/21 ish in his civilian identity

Cassie and Donna may be OC - I'm working on it, but I haven't read too many comics with them yet so I'm limited to general knowledge I've picked up from the DC fandom

And last but not least, I'm experimenting with a new POV this chapter


On instinct I pull it out and answer it, still looking at the tattoo. "Will?"

"Let me guess, your tattoo is glowing?"

"Uh huh."

"So are everyone else's. The gods just arrived at camp. The Competition is happening. Now."




[We interrupt your regularly scheduled programming with this Important Special]

— ☼ —


[Yeah Bruce?]

[Have you recorded your debrief of the competition yet?]

[Uh, no? I was gonna do that today. Why?]

[Hm. It appears that there are already video files of the event in the computer's files.]


[*sounds of typing on keyboard before a mouse clicks* Here.]

[Weird. What's on them?]

[Let's find out.]

— ☼ —

Three old ladies sit around an orb, knitting a blanket. Within the orb is the image of a teenage girl on the phone, surrounded by a small army of other people. On the girl's arm is a glowing tattoo.

"We've been watching this channel for a while." One of the ladies complains. "I want to catch up on someone else's story for a while."

"And who do you suggest?" Another asks.

The first smiles widely and waves a knitting needle at the orb. The image ripples before clearing to show a man wearing a black and gray uniform with a cape and cowl, flying a plane.

"This one."

"Fine." The third lady states, "But I want to go back to the first one eventually. The drama has just begun there."

"Of course."

— ☼ —

Batman steers the jet into DC's airspace with practiced ease, heading for the Hall of Justice. Next to him, Superman shifts in his seat to face his friend.

"Did we do the right thing?" He asks worriedly, "Should we have stayed and heard what Sky needed to say? I'm worried about her."

Batman doesn't respond, but his body tenses slightly.

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