Uh oh, We're in trouble

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Beginning notes: *** CONTENT WARNING: Uncle Nolan is an emotionally and verbally abusive piece of shit. He's going to be saying some stuff (like implying that mental/learning disorders aren't real, and name calling and stuff.)

There's also going to be some Dissociation and Panic Attack descriptions (I have edited fic tags accordingly, but I wanted to write it here too) And a rich kid bully implies some not great stuff about the Wayne's such as Damian's Middle Eastern heritage and the 'true' reason why Bruce adopts so many children.

Please Be Safe! Your mental health is more important than reading the chapter!***


[I should have known it was only a matter of time before the other foot dropped.]

[The foot drops. Big Time. *sad kazoo cover of the Big Time Rush theme song intro*]

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Have you ever had a day where you just know that something is going to go wrong? And no, I don't just mean that my anxiety is acting up today. I mean like, deep in my gut feeling - something is going to go wrong.

With that in mind, the day actually goes pretty normally.

I drop Bobby off at school, say Hi and Bye to Mr. Frank, make it to gym relatively on time, and I even manage to pay attention in most of my classes. Ditching last period is the same as always - it's only study hall anyways, and soon I'm pulling up to Gotham Academy on my board. I figured that I must have just had a bad dream or something, seeing as nothing had actually happened today. Which is when Mr. Frank meets my eyes and motions me over.

"Hey kid. You're going to want to head into the office."

My heart drops. "What?"

"Your brother and his friends got into a fight with some other kids about an hour ago." Mr. Frank keeps his gaze on the students as they pass by, still completing his job as the security guard. "Your brother apparently broke someone's nose."

Eyes widening, I choke on a breath.

"They called everyone's parents and guardians." Mr. Frank looks down at me and puts a hand on my shoulder. "They're all supposed to meet at the Headmaster's office."

I lean into the hand slightly and take a deep breath. "Right." I nod, "Thank you, Mr. Frank."

He nods back, "Good luck, Sky." And then he returns to his job of supervising the after school pick up lines.

Kicking up my board to carry it in my arms, I push through the lingering students and make my way into Gotham Academy.

I quickly find myself outside of the principal's office where I can hear raised voices coming from the other side of the door. Rolling back my shoulders, I take a deep breath and knock.

"Come in."

Opening the door I take in the scene. Bobby, Jon, and Damian are sitting off to the right of the door with Tim and Kon hovering next to them.

On the left are three other boys - one of which has a recently set nose - and three sets of parents behind them. The parent's of the boy with the broken nose are fussing over their son and loudly demanding that 'justice' be served.

"Can I help you miss....."

I turn my attention over to the Secretary who is looking at me with poorly hidden disdain. I regrip my board nervously. "Um, Hi. I'm Skylar Richardson? I'm Bobby's older sister."

She raises an eyebrow at me. "I see." She looks down at a paper in front of her. "Do you know how to get ahold of your Uncle? He hasn't been bothering to answer my calls."

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