Thirty-Four: Million

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Valerian Calix

I looked at the bra strap bracelet she gave me this time rather than the hair tie I usually had and thought of a thousand ways to stand and leave.

"Don't you ever get tired of being with her, Val? You're spotted everywhere with her at all times." The interview host asked and I held back the smile ready to appear at the ridiculous question as I stared at the man.

"I get tired of my wife, you must get exhausted." He said, the audience laughing, and I sat back in the chair, looking at my wrist.

"We're not the same. You have 5 failed marriages." I murmured and people gasped, cameras honing in on me.

Anxiousness pitted in my stomach.

The interviewer laughed a bitter laugh, coating the venom he was tempted to spew at me.

Casey put a hand on my shoulder.

"You alright?" He whispered in my ear.

I nodded and he pat my back.

"No need to be so hostile, good to hear you talking though." The interviewer gave me a sharp look.

I removed the mic on his tie before I leaned in.

"Don't talk about my girl. Don't tell me how to act. I could get this show cancelled quicker than your first marriage ended." I whispered, putting the mic on the table and sitting back.

I miss Corvina.


I get to her house, she isn't here and I feel panicked.

I call and she answers, a crowd of people in the background.


"Hey love, I'm sorry, I got a call that I sold a painting for a million! It's not worth that so I had to come see." She said excitedly and I left, going to her gallery.

"Good. Who bought it?"

"A man named David Locke." She said and I took a breath.

"Mmhm. I'm on my way."

I hung up and got there as quick as I could, making a 15 minute drive, 8 minutes.

I got inside and she was standing in a pantsuit far too tailored for her, her perfect figure hugged, the man she was speaking to staring himself.

I knew him. From College.

I took a sharp breath as I placed my hand on her back and she gasped, turning and smiling when she saw me

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I took a sharp breath as I placed my hand on her back and she gasped, turning and smiling when she saw me.

I didn't like that her first instinct wasn't to move away.

"Hey! David, this is-"

"Valerian." He gave me a lazy smirk as he held out a hand.

I looked at it, unappeased.

"Still a fucking weirdo." He said and I smiled.

"Still a douche." I whispered and he scoffed.

"Alright, we know one another?" She asked.

"College." David said and she hummed.

"Alright can we get back to our discussion?" David asked cockily.

I felt myself grow upset so I stepped back, walking away to see her other paintings.

I didn't feel threatened exactly, but I saw him. He's into her.

I saw her, she's too nice for her own good. And she's physically perfect so his interest in her isn't shocking.

I folded my hands in front of me, trying to self soothe.

God knows I can't.

"Oh my god! Valerian?" A girl placed her hand on my bicep and I took a step to the side, looking down at her.

"Oh my god! Corvina is your girl! Holy shit!" She gasped to her friend.

I stared at the overly excited girl.

She once again put a hand on my arm.

"Oh my god you feel so amazing." She squeezed my arm and I moved my arms, conjoining my hands behind me, stepping back.

"Can I take a selfie?" Her friend asked.

"No." I answered.

"I told you he doesn't do pics, Aliya." The first girl said.

"But I thought-"

She thought she was different, she thought she was the main character and pretty enough to change my mind.

I know how it goes.

"How about a hug?" She took a step toward me, opening her arms.

"I'm fine. Thanks." I backed up.

She persisted.

"He said he's fine, ladies." Vina stepped between us and David's eye twitched of irritation.

"We're only-"

"I'm going to need you to keep your hands to yourself or I'll personally escort you from the gallery. Enjoy the art. He said no." She smiled sweetly, the girls rolling their eyes as they walked away.

"Thank you for your business, David. I appreciate your generosity." She offered a hand and I watched him take it, about to lift it to his lips while keeping eye contact with her.

I took her hand from him before his vile lips touched anything on her perfect frame.

She didn't argue with me but David glared at me.

"Can I get your number?"

"No." I said.

"Woah, man you seem a bit insecure and jealous-"

"I agree with Valerian, it's not appropriate to exchange phone numbers, if you are in need of anything contact my front desk." She smiled.

He lifted his lip in disgust toward me.

But he left with his painting.

"Are you alright?" She asked me, taking my hand with the one he held.

"Wash them please." I said and she let me go.

"Okay." She seemed a bit confused but left to the restroom regardless.

She came back and wrapped her arms around me.

I rubbed over her back.

"I saw the interview. Are you okay?" She asked.

I shrugged. "I've been better."

"Is there anything I can do?" She asked.

"There's lots of things you can do."

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