Eight: Mutual Understanding

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Corvina Maxwell

"Cafe?" I felt my cheeks throb from the smile on my face.

He nodded and looked ahead.

When we got inside I almost groaned with the smell.

"What do you want?" He mumbled.

"Apple cider." I loved this.

My stomach was imploding with excitement and joy.

We got to the register.

"Can I-"

"Are you- oh my god- you're Valerian Calix." She gasped.

His face remained still. I already knew he didn't care less.

"You interrupted him as he was speaking to you. I don't believe that's very kind." I said and she looked at me, slightly hostile but returning professional.

"I apologize, what can I get you both?" She said giving me a tight smile.

I felt his hand on my back, rubbing up and down twice before his hand returned to his side.

"Two apple ciders." He said and I nodded.

She put that in and I grabbed my card but he already tapped his.

I frowned.

"Could I possibly get a photo with you?" She asked.

He looked at her.

No expression.

"Okayyy, uhm..." he took the receipt we had and grabbed the tipping pen, signing the back of it.

He handed it to her and she grinned.

"Thank you. So much." She held it to her chest.

I smiled and walked to the side where you pick up the drinks.

"It must be hard being adored by the female population." I teased.

"They don't appeal to me much." He mumbled.

"No? Usually the big rockstars are players." I grabbed my drink and hissed at the heat of it.

He took it from me, putting it in the little hand protecter thing and walking to a table.

He set mine down on one side, he sat on the other.

"No." He answered.

"Do you not have experience with them?" I asked.

His eyes locked firmly on mine.

"Not even a kiss." He told me.

I felt my jaw drop.

"How?" I asked.

"Intimacy means a lot to me. I can't just give it up to anyone." He said.

"Even as a kid? Like a little peck with your second grade girlfriend?"


"Hand holding? In like middle school."


"You can't tell me you weren't wanted then."

"I was. As I said, physical contact is a sacred thing to me. I cherish it like I do my feelings and interests. I'm not just going to do something to appeal to age based experience. When things happen, there's going to be a reason for it". He said, his voice low and I hummed, intrigued.

"You've been touchy with me." I tilted my head.

"Am I making you uncomfortable?" He asked, a voice which showed he didn't care much about him doing it but more concerned along the lines of my feelings.

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