| part 1 |

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"Squad Four-Five-One, you have been selected for a special mission," Boggs begins. I bite the inside of my lip as anxiety rises in my chest. "We have numerous sharpshooters, but rather a dearth of camera crews. Therefore, we've handpicked the eight of you to be what we call our 'Star Squad.' You will be the on-screen faces of the invasion."

No fighting. I let out a shaky breath in relief.

"What you're saying is, we won't be in actual combat," snaps Gale.

"You will be in combat, but perhaps not always on the front line. If one can even isolate a front line in this type of war," says Plutarch.

"None of us want that." Finnick's remark is followed by a general rumble of assent, but I stay silent. I've done enough fighting in my life it's time for someone else to do the hard work. Call me selfish I don't care, I'm a tired mum with two kids I kind of need to stay alive.

"We're going to fight. You're going to be as useful to the war effort as possible," Plutarch says. "And it's been decided that you are of most value on television. Just look at the effect Katniss had running around in that Mockingjay suit. Turned the whole rebellion around. Do you notice how she's the only one not complaining? It's because she understands the power of that screen."

No, It's probably because Katniss is gonna run off from the 'star squad' with, Gale, to kill Snow.

"You'll have plenty of real targets to hit. But don't get blown up. I've got enough on my plate without having to replace you. Now get to the Capitol and put on a good show."

In the morning we ship out, I say good-bye to my family. I give Caspian and Avanna a tight hug before saying goodbye too Hope.

"You look after them okay" I say before pulling Haymitch into a hug.

"Always" he assures me.
"Next time we see each other, we'll be free of Snow"

We better be free otherwise this will be for nothing. No more games. No more Capitol. And most importantly, no more Coriolanus Snow.


A hovercraft takes us to, of all places, 12, where a makeshift transportation area has been set up outside the fire zone. Squad 451 is assigned a spot to pitch its tents, this area has been secured for over a week.

After three days, much of Squad 451 risks deserting out of boredom. Cressida and her team take shots of us firing. They tell us we're part of the disinformation team. If the rebels only shoot Plutarch's pods, it will take the Capitol about two minutes to realize we have the holograph. So there's a lot of time spent shattering things that don't matter, to throw them off the scent.

On the fourth morning, Soldier Leeg 2 hits a mislabeled pod. It doesn't unleash a swarm of muttation gnats, which the rebels are prepared for, but shoots out a sunburst of metal darts. One finds her brain, she's gone before the medics can reach her. Plutarch promises a speedy replacement.

The following evening, the newest member of our squad arrives. With no manacles. No guards. Strolling out of the train station with his gun swinging from the strap over his shoulder. There's shock, confusion, resistance, but 451 is stamped on the back of Peeta's hand in fresh ink. Boggs relieves him of his weapon and goes to make a call.

"It won't matter," Peeta tells the rest of us. "The president assigned me herself. She decided the propos needed some heating up."

Of course Coin is behind this.
That bitch, Peeta is still recovering from the Capitols psychological abuse and what does she do, send him to the Capitol. What was going through her head? All she cares about is becoming the new president or she wants Katniss dead. Either one wouldn't surprise me.

The first thing Bogs does is instruct Soldier Jackson, his second in command, to set up a two-person, round-the-clock guard on Peeta. Of course I volunteer taking a shift and no one decided to disagree with me.

"What time is my watch?" Katniss asks Jackson. This should be fun to watch.

"I didn't put you in the rotation."

"Why not?" She asks.

"I'm not sure you could really shoot Peeta, if it came to it," she says.

Katniss speaks up so the whole squad can hear her clearly. In other words she was getting Peeta's attention. "I wouldn't be shooting Peeta. He's gone. Johanna's right. It'd be just like shooting another of the Capitol's mutts."

Fuck sake. Katniss you are making my job to keep Peeta semi-stable very hard.

"Well, that sort of comment isn't recommending you either," says Jackson.

"Put her in the rotation," I hear Boggs say behind me. Yay Boggs. I'd be fucked if Jackson was our head of command, I don't like her much.
Boggs has always been so nice to me and the other victors.

Jackson shakes her head and makes a note. "Midnight to four. You're on with Aurora."

"Hey" I say to Peeta as I sit in between him and Finnick.

"Hey" he says quietly.

Anyone who even gives him the wrong kind of look, I glare daggers at. Believe me if I could kill them I would.

"I'm sorry you have to be here I know it's not what you want" I apologise, feeling bad for the boy.

"It's ok, it's nice to be outside. Even if it is the Capitol"

"I'm glad your finally out of your mangles" I say highlighting the more positives.

"Me too"

The autumn day turns from brisk to cold. Most of the squad hunker down in their sleeping bags. Some sleep under the open sky, close to the heater in the center of our camp, while others retreat to their tents. Leeg 1 has finally broken down over her sister's death, and her muffled sobs reach us through the canvas. I huddle close to Finnick in our tent, thinking about what tonight will having coming.

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