Track 23: Shake it Up

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I went home Tuesday morning after the Labor Day game night fiasco, exhausted and sore. I stayed up super late with Jake proving to him he was the only person I wanted to be with. I was so glad I didn't have to be at work. The only reason I was up was that Jake woke me up on his way out. Moving forward, I was going to let my actions outside the bedroom show that I loved him.

I entered my apartment Tuesday morning, went straight to my room, took a hot bath to relax my body, and dragged myself to bed. I slept for a few more hours before I got up. I went down the stairs when I heard Sammy up and about. I was surprised to see Corey in the kitchen with her eating cereal.

"Good morning." I said, giving them both a smile.

"Hey." Sammy said.

"Good morning." Corey greeted me.

I grabbed a cereal bowl from the cabinet to join them.

"So... I heard there was some drama last night." Sammy questioned.

"Yeah?" I said, not wanting to get into it with her.

"Rocky called asking if you came home and she told me to have you call her as soon as possible." Sammy explained.

"Urgh, I haven't even looked at my phone. I hope she didn't call anyone else." I sighed.

"You and Jake ok?" Sammy asked.

"Yep." I said, simply.

"I'll let you two have girl talk. I'll call you later Sammy." Corey said, putting his bowl away. She gave him a hug before he left.

"So, what's going on there?" I asked Sammy as soon as I heard the door close.

"We literally just crashed. We made plans to hang out after I was done with work, but I was so tired. He came over and watched me sleep." Sammy smiled.

"Awww creepy, but cute." I smiled too.

"Speaking of creepy, but not so cute, what's really going on with you and Jake?" Sammy asked, hands on her hips.

I thought about what Jake said about getting advice from her. "Nothing. Really. We're ok. I didn't come home because I was with him." I replied.

Sammy looked skeptical, but left it alone and went back to bed. I checked my phone. I returned Rocky's text saying I was ok and would meet her for lunch. I went for a run at the nearby park. I came home, showered, and dressed in jean shorts and a tank before meeting Rocky for lunch.

She was wearing oversized shades, slacks, and a button-down. She wore no make-up and her short hair was pulled back into a clip. I could tell she was hurting. I did want to see where her head was at with the whole Brandon/Bilal situation, but thanks in part to her drunken antics, I now had to focus on my own relationship. Last night, as I drove to Jake's apartment, I wished for a hangover from hell on her. Now, I felt bad when I looked at her. It didn't stop me from giggling at her sad appearance.

"It's not funny Lily. I fucked up." Rocky moaned.

"Poor baby. Want some bread?" I grinned, reminding her of our bathroom dialogue.

Rocky frowned. "I'm so sorry. I can't believe I said that last night."

"I can't believe you remember what you said."

"Oh yeah. If EJ's question, Ethan's face, and Jake and you running out didn't sober me up, Brandon going off definitely did." Rocky explained.

"What?" I said, shocked. She was way out of line last night, but I didn't think Brandon had the cojones to go off on her.

"Yeah. The party kinda ended when y'all left. Brandon was so pissed at you so I told him what I said and what you said and why we were in the bathroom in the first place. I told him the truth about inviting Bilal." Rocky explained.

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