Track 7: Demons

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"Hey Lily." Cam said.

I was too stunned to respond. I didn't even know what to say or think. I knew I was going to reach out to him sooner or later, but I never imagined my brother would just show up here.

"Can I come in?" He asked, plainly. We barely spoken in 2 years and when I did talk to him, it was when dad was around so he wouldn't suspect anything was wrong. Cam tried to apologize a few times, but I didn't care. I still didn't want to hear him out, but I wanted him to be gone before Ethan arrived. I moved out the way to let him in. Once I closed the door, I watched him expectantly.

"I know I've already said it, but I'm truly sorry Lily. When I found out about you and Ethan, I wanted to protect you but I lost it instead. I should have never said what I said." He apologized.


"Ok?" He asked, looking lost.

"Ok." I repeated, simply.

"Lily..." He started off, his face twisting in pain. "I understand you're an adult now and I have no right to try to run your life. I just want to be a part-".

The doorbell rang, cutting him off. I groaned inwardly and answered it. It was Ethan. I spent so much time planning when I finally got him alone, and now I had to get rid of him. "Hey..." I said, shakily.

"Hey... are you ok?" Ethan asked, concerned, looking my face over. Instead of noticing the sexy makeup and clothes, he saw how uncomfortable I was.

I pulled myself together, remembering my poker face. "Yeah, lemme go grab that inhaler." I said, deliberately leaving the door open so he could see Cam and Cam could see him. I had no intentions of hiding our relationship again. I want both Ethan and Cam to know that. Plus, I know Cam's temper. If he blew up, I could kick him out and be done with this conversation.

But Cam just waited patiently as I got the inhaler and tried to hand it over to Ethan. He grabbed my hand instead.

"Call me if you need anything ok?" He said, looking over at my brother before staring into my eyes. I nodded, and he took the inhaler and left.

Cam took a deep breath when I turned back to face him. "We're too close and we've gone through too much to let anyone come between us. I don't care if you're with him-"

"This is not about him!" I cut him off, frustrated. Once again, here he was thinking he could tell me what to do. I'm grown, I don't need his permission.

"Then what is it? This silent treatment has been going on for too long. I don't understand..."

"You wouldn't, would you? You and dad never look outta your own feelings and agendas to stop to think about how I feel!" I exclaimed, cutting him off. "Never! And the second I try to do anything, I'm wrong!"

"I understand that, I do. That's why I'm sorry; especially about bringing up Perez. I know that wasn't your fault-"

"I don't care about that! I don't care if you blame me. I'm sure dad does just like I blame myself." I snapped. I couldn't decide if I was more hurt or pissed off that he would even mention his name. I went with pissed off. I was tired of being hurt. "I could forgive all that. I can't forgive you for lying to me about dad and my mom! I don't know if I even want to!"

Cam paled. "Dad told you?"

"Of course not. He woulda took that secret to his grave. When I asked him, he thought you told me. I tried to find my mom, Cam. I found an aunt instead. Can you imagine my surprise when I found out dad thought I was his biological daughter at first? It was 10 times worse finding out you knew the entire time! How could you not tell me? That's why your mom left? Isn't it?!?" I questioned him, angrily.

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