Track 16: Get Lucky

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Get Lucky- Daft Punk

" many strikes before you're out?" I questioned.

"3!" EJ said, with no hesitation.

"That was easy... How many innings?" I asked EJ, tossing him a soft plush baseball from Rocky's couch.

He thought about it after he caught the ball effortlessly. "9" EJ answered correctly tossing it back.

"Ok. What are you gonna make Jake buy you at the game?" I asked, tossing the ball up to myself.

"Peanuts and Cracker Jacks!!!" He exclaimed, jumping up, trying to intercept the ball from me.

I laughed, and let him catch the ball.

"I think you're ready for the baseball game." I told him. "Are you excited for Hurricane Harbor too?"

"Yeah. Its gonna be awesome. Jake said he'll take me down the big water slide! " EJ exclaimed.

"Do you like hanging out with Jake?" I asked EJ, curiously.

I know, I was calling on a 7 year old to be a character witness. Sue me, I need a second opinion. Besides, kids were supposed to have an intuition. Since I was getting to know Jake all on my own, I figured I could use EJ's intuition to guide my opinion.

"Yeah. We always have fun. Brandon and Jake took me on a dirt bike before." EJ recalled.

See? Jake was fun. And we already determined what Jake and I were doing was more fun then riding a bike, so EJ's intuition was spot on. Unfortunately, he didn't tell me anything I didn't know.

I smiled at EJ. "Well that's good. Do you remember how much fun you're allowed to have without me?"

EJ smirked. He looked just like Ethan when he did. It was freaking adorable.

"This much!" He stretched out his arms out as wide as he could, so his hands are far apart. I shook my head.

"No! Absolutely not. You know it's this much!" I scolded him, mockingly. I held out my hands, a ruler length away from each other.

"I'm gonna have this much!" He grinned, spreading my hands out. I grabbed him and started tickling him. He erupted in laughter.

"Ok. Ok...." EJ yelled between laughs.

"Ok what?" I looked up to see Ethan walking into the living room. He was wearing charcoal slacks with a pale purple dress shirt. Obviously, he headed straight over to Rocky and Brandon's house after work. Even after a full day of work, he looked impeccable.

EJ looked at his dad. "Lily said I can only have a little fun with Jake this weekend at the game and Hurricane Harbor."

I smiled at Ethan as he came and joined us on the couch. "I think Lily is jealous." He told EJ.

"That's right. I wanna have fun. It's not fair!" I pouted.

"We can have fun too!" EJ rationalized.

"We can?" I asked.

EJ nodded. "Yes!"

"Ok. You can have as much fun as possible." I relented.

"EJ, go ahead and put the ball away so we can get ready to go." Ethan said to EJ.

EJ ran to put the ball away.

"Thanks for watching him when Brandon went to work." Ethan turned to me.

"You know it's not a problem. You know my schedule too. I can still watch him when you need me. I'll come over here if it makes you more comfortable." I offered.

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