prisoner part 3

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it's been about a week since I've last saw Mattheo, yes, he did escape but everyone thinks its Henery's fault for not locking up correctly. i am very worried though because more i think back on that day i noticed all the signs, I'm just scarred he's going to try to kill me or something. good news is since like three of my regular patients are missing i don't have to work while there trying to figure out a new schedule for me and a few of the other workers, i had just came back to my apartment from a walk with one of my friends and his dog, as i was walking up the little steps i saw a note hanging on my door, since I'm a women that lives alone i didn't open the note of even touch it, i got in the house and placed all my stuff down and i preheated my oven so i could make a pizza, i went to shower and after 10 minutes (you guys i promise I'm not a dirty person i don't take 10 minute showers but just for the sake of the story) i then put the pizza in the oven and i went to get the note, i mean it could be from my mom or something. once i took the note in i used my wand to open it, you know just in case.


my dearest y/n.

i am very sorry about leaving after our kiss and i know I've should have written sooner but I've been very busy. but i do miss you and wish to see you again sometime. and i also returned your key card, and again i extremely apologize for taking it. not seeing your beautiful face in a week has really been making me think about the last time i saw you, but if you do forgive me i would like to see you again, so this Friday meet me at the marshal state park. if you want of course.

                                                                          Love M.R


should i go and meet him? i mean he is an escaped convict and its my fault he's out in the first place and why does he want to meet at an abandoned park? it was Tuesday so i have a while to think about it.

Mattheo's Pov: 

after my escape i had rallied up some of my most loyal follows but i just couldn't get her off my mind. the way our lips moved in sync and how her hands and body felt on me, God she was so beautiful and all i wanted was to feel her again. i know that what i did was wrong so i wrote her a note asking if she would come and meet me so i could give her an actual apology. i hope i didn't get her fired or something, she seemed really concerned about it. as soon as i got out i went and collected some of my followers so i can get back on track. Being my father's oldest child i had to step up and make sure his legacy didn't die. i chose to write her a note so that if she really mad at me she wouldn't try to turn me back in. i was excited to see her again i had also gotten her a gift for all the birthdays gifts she's gotten me. i hope she shows up.

Your Pov: 

it was Friday and i had decided to meet up with Mattheo, maybe i could get an explanation out of him and maybe another kiss. i haven't even gone back to work yet so I've been home most of the time. all i had to do was find something nice to wear, something not to flashy but also not so casual (PICK YOUR OWN OUTFIT, every time i pick one people always say its ugly or just put what they want to wear in the comments) and i didn't even know why he wanted to meet there anyway. i was nervous but that wasn't going to stop me from going. i was sitting on the couch with bb petting him trying to calm myself down but my overthinking got the best of me. i was stressed tf out. but i really did want to go and see him so i sucked it up and went. i got in my car and began my 30-minute ride, i had no way of contacting Mattheo but i got there earlier than expected so i just waited in the car on my phone or fixing my makeup. when it was time i got out of the car and began walking to the part he wanted to meet up at. when i arrived there i saw a little picnic set up in the grass but no Mattheo. i went over to it and sat down i looked et all the food and noticed there was nachos along with other snacks, he remembers that conversation. but i didn't see Mattheo anywhere.

Mattheo's Pov

i had one of my house elves set up and cook for the picnic, i was walking to the picnic and saw my y/n already sitting there i smiled to myself at the thought that well be close again. 

"Hello love" i said with a smirk on my face, she turned to look at me and smiled.

"Hey Mattheo" she said as i sat across her. "How have you been my love?" i asked her handing her a plate. "Um I've been alright i guess i haven't really been doing anything. what about you?" she said, i felt bad it's kind of my fault she's not been doing anything. "I'm ok, i didn't get you fired, did I? " i asked her with a slight chuckle she looked at me with a confused look, "No? they're just redoing the schedule."  i felt relived knowing i didn't possibly just ruin her life, she probably worked really hard for that job anyway. she pulled me out of my thoughts when she spoke. "This is really good Mattheo, did you make it?"  "no, my house elves did" she looked at me with another shocked look. "You have hose elves too." I'm confused did she forget who i was?

your Pov:

i didn't grow up with house elves. well my parents didn't believe in house elves. we were poor too though so that's another reason we didn't have them. and i didn't understand how Mattheo still had them, even though he's been in jail for like 3 years.  "of course, i do" he said in a cocky tone, after we finished eating, he took me on a walk. i didn't know where we were going but it was okay as long as i was with him. after walking for like an hour we got to this scary looking abandon house. "Mattheo please don't tell me you live here" i said gripping his arm harder. "What? why would i live here" he said while walking me closer to the house. "Then why are we here then?" "Because it's a Suprise" he said in a very unenthusiastic tone which kinda worried me, he opened the door then went in i guess to show me it was safe. i walked in and i saw a table with three boxes on it. "what's in the boxes?" i asked him, he smiled "why don't you open them?" i have always loved presents so opening them wasn't even an afterthought. i started with the biggest one.

Mattheo's Pov:

seeing the smile on her face as she opened her presents made me feel warm inside, once she got to the last one which was a tiny red velvet box, she slowly opened is and she gasped in excitement. i got her a really pretty necklace i remembered her talking about a few months ago. "here let me help you put it on" she got closer to me and moved her hair out the way. "thank you Mattheo" i really liked hearing her say my name. "i love it." she then gave me a hug and i dont know what came over me but i grabbed her face and smashed my lips against hers, it was a thousand times better than the first time. she wrapped her arms around my neck and i put mine on her waist. i wished we weren't in this old house. so i had the idea of teleporting us to mine and that's what i did,

i teleported us to my room and laid her on my bed and crawled on top of her "are you sure you want to do this?" i asked her softly she answered with a nod and then pulling me back into our heavenly kiss. and well you know what happened next. she was lying next to me asleep, she was so peaceful, she was really the most beautiful girl I've ever seen, i usually lie to people about stuff like that to get what i want but i only wanted to be truthful to her. i wanted to protect her from all the bad things, she makes me feel soft and warm (and hard hehe). if only i had someone like her growing up maybe i wouldn't have turned out the way that i did. i snuggled back up against her and slowly drifted into a deep sleep.

Your Pov:  and     also, a time skip

it was in the middle of the night and i had woken up, i started to remember what happened earlier and i got butterflies from just the thought of it. Mattheo was laying down next to me sleeping. i really just slept with the most wanted person in the whole world, i thought to myself. i didn't really care though, he made me happy. i ran my fingers through his hair just enjoying the sight of him asleep. no guy i met was as nice to me as Mattheo was, which is kinda weird since unlike the other guys i dated they didn't kill people. but surprisingly he was very nice and sweet to me. i laid back down in his arms feeling warm and comfortable in his arms and i slowly fell back asleep.

the end

yeah, i have no idea what else to right and its gone on for to long so yeah. but i hope you guys enjoyed it, im sorry if this one suck but I'm not good at dragging things,

Mattheo Riddle 𝖔𝖓𝖊 𝖘𝖍𝖔𝖙𝖘 🩸🔪💚Where stories live. Discover now