what he's like

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So this is based on him in my dr so he might act different in yours

When he's upset with you he'll ignore you or He'll just be really clingy

Has a weird obsession with blueberries like he loves them probably even more then me🥲

Doesn't like eating around people so he won't come to the great hall or just come really late and eat a little bit

Always hanging out with Lorenzo and Daphne and sometimes Theodor

Has a love hate Relationship with cats and draco

Loves going on walks at night with me or sometimes by himself

Drinks coffee and forces people to go with him to get it

Likes his coffee with nothing in it  (disgusting)

Always horny 🥴

He's really smart but doesn't really pay attention In class

Hooks up with girls in empty classrooms or In the library

Always let's me play in his hair but manly after class

Said he wouldn't give me head if I had a penis

Is very possessive and mean to any boy that talks to me

LOVES thighs

Hates when I wear pants/ leggings and long sleeve shirt to bed

Makes sure he has feminine products in his bathroom for when I'm there

He really likes stars and everything about space

Has a pet tarantula (one time he went to go feed it and it wasn't there....and he couldn't find it for 2 days)

Smokes all the time and he won't let me he said "it would hurt my pretty little lungs"

Always wants to go on dates

Never shows emotions when we're around people

Arguments with everyone

Has really bad anger issues

When we first started dating he would pick me flowers

Hates all of my exes idk why but he just knows who I dated

When we're doing it he'll ask me if ***** could make me feel this good referring to a guy that he claims was flirting with me

Has a really complicated skin care routine.....he really cares about his appearance

Slut shames me a lot but in a joking way

Winks at me when he sees me walking with my friends

Hides my stuff when he doesn't want me to leave he's a child sometimes

Really wants a dog so he can name it sprout

Let's me paint his nails🤭

Likes drawing


Mattheo Riddle 𝖔𝖓𝖊 𝖘𝖍𝖔𝖙𝖘 🩸🔪💚Where stories live. Discover now